The Snow White Standard

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Hello, Pheonix here. I'm pretty sure everyone here has seen a Disney movie. But what about the old ones? Movies like Snow White?

Just asking.

Anyway, a little background info for this rant. I've recently gone on a Disney binge, watching every Disney cartoon I have in my apartment. I couldn't help but notice the contrast between new and old Princesses and have come to talk in favor of what I call "The Snow White Standard".

Old Disney princesses, the originals, are goody goodies. They cook, they clean and are over all good people while the new ones are rebellious, independent, sarcastic and adventurous. The first type is a Feminist nightmare. The second is a Feminist wet dream.

But are they really better than the old princesses?

See, this is something I noticed in the movie animations of Disney. Princesses these days are stick thin.

And some of the old ones. Believe me, Sleeping Beauty? No one could ever reach that level of skinniness.

Now take look at Snow White. She's not fat, but she's not anorexic either. This is The Snow White Standard, the view that it's better to be a little chubby than it is to starve yourself. No one turned anorexic to be like Snow White, but there are kids at my school who are starving themselves to look like Elsa.

Girls these days want to be independent, but they also want to look good. They want to be nice and pretty for the boys. They want to be skinny like models. They skip meals, diet, starve themselves.

This is why I like The Snow White Standard better than modern feminism. What's wrong with cooking and cleaning and raising your own kids? Before Women got rights, and I'm not saying we shouldn't have rights, no one cared if a woman was a little pudgy in the tummy. Men liked that, actually. It's a sign of health and fertility.

Look at Snow White again. She's average sized, she has a round face that is natural. Is she thin? No. She's chubby.

But she was still the fairest in the land, right? Her step mother was thinner than she was, but Snow White was still the fairest.

Pheonix out.

I can't really add anything to this, but I completely agree

Unprofessionally AngryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon