Chapter 6: The Fire

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Mary was unable to talk, but when she woke from being knocked out she was in a chair. There was a monitor with cameras. All of the monsters appeared on the camera. Then Golden Freddy said, "Thank you for your corporation, but unfortunately you must die. This place will burn."

Mary pressed a switch and the camera's flashlight that had been attached flickered. Both Golden Freddy and Freddy twitched. Then they screamed a loud mechanical scream of pain. After that, the fire started and rose to the attic. Creation stumbled up the stairs. He got closer to Mary, but before he could hurt her part of the roof fell on him.

"Forget this! I'm getting out of here," Mary thought. Then she noticed a window. She ran towards the window and leapt. She fell though. Broken glass was all over her. She was cut everywhere. After she recovered her energy she called 911. She told them that her house was on fire. When they came, she told them about what happened as they put out he fire.

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