The Battle Begins

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The Battle Begins
So, tonight's the night. Another freezing winter in one of the Washington's dingy old cabins. Woop dee doo. I mean, I guess I'm not complaining, I mean it's sort of cool up there in  sometimes. Plus it's a perfect excuse to buy more cute winter outfits.
Oh! And I almost forgot! It's going to be my first year up there with Mikey moo moo as my boyfriend! It's going to be our first official trip up there as a couple! I need to look EXTRA cute for him. Hmm..... wait what was I saying again?
Well anyways, I've just gotta make sure Hannah understands her place by the end of this trip. We've been pretty good friends for awhile along with the others but... well she's always had a crush on Mike. Even if she thinks nobody knows, literally EVERYBODY knows.
Anyways she's been all quiet and rude to me ever since me and Mike started dating. Um..... hellooooo?? Honeeeeey. It's not MY fault guys are literally at my feet WHEREVER I go. Like, yesterday, when me and Jess (well, just Jess pretty much) invited her to come to Cadence's party last week, she said she wasn't feeling well. Course I didn't care cause she's always such a buzz kill anyways. But then guess what?! I saw her at STARBUCKS! Hellooooo NOBODY goes to Starbucks when they're sick.
Anyways, after that I was TOTALLY devastated and pretty much assumed our friendship has been over ever since. Oh, and I haven't even talked about the whole BIT yet. She's literally CONSTANTLY flirting with Mike. Like, it's ONE thing to want my man, but it's another to be hitting on him in front of my face.
Like, what the hell happened to girls before guys?!!! She's literally thrown away our ENTIRE friendship over him!! Whatever, I'm SO over her! I just have to focus on looking BOMB as fuck once we get over there. I guarantee I'll look 1000 times better than that whore.

Until Dawn EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now