A Wonderful Idea

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I lace on my gray boots as I take one last look in the mirror. I'm wearing my black yoga pants, (a little present for Mike) a white tank top, and a super-cute purple hoodie. I'm wearing my hair down because I just got it cut in a super-cute bob.
Yes, as always, I look fabulous. Yeah I usually go all out with my look but I figured since it's going to be night time when we get there I might as well go for the more cute-n-comfy look. Anyways, I finally get to the train station and see that Jess STILL isn't here. Why am I not surprised? She's ALWAYS late. So, after waiting for ANOTHER fifty hours I hear someone call my name.
Jessica: Em!
Emily: It better be who I think it is.
Emily: Jess! Oh my god what the HELL took you so long?!
Jessica: oh my god, Em! *hugs Emily* oh yeah I'm sorry about that but you just know I have to look perfect for tonight.
This girl is beyond ridiculous.
Emily: we literally see the SAME people every year at this funky place. Who are you trying to impress?
Emily: hmm....she does smell good though....
Jess: *rolls eyes* girl, whatever. You know I'm so NOT going to be associated with Sam's.... um.... shall we say.... challenged clothing choices
Emily: *snicker* she was right about that. Sam always has some kind of hippie saying on her shirt with the newest "vegan" clothing brands. Beyond weird.
Emily: girl.... are you wearing.... Hawaiian Coconut Sunset?
Jessica: you already KNOW Em! *squeal*
Emily: *squeal* oh my god but.... how?!
Emily: those things are TOTALLY sold out! Hawaiian Coconut Sunset is this new perfume that's totally HOT on the market right now and.... oh my god.... I don't know how Jess managed that. And more importantly, she'd better give me some.
—at the campgrounds—
Jessica: hey, Em?
Emily: yeah?
Jessica: before we get to the others I wanted to tell you..... well.... I sorta have an idea. And I think you're gonna like it. Just wait until we meet up with the others and I'll tell you
Emily: huh? And since when does Jess ever have.... ideas?
Emily: um.... okay.... Jess what are you planning? *smirks*
Jessica: *giggles* just wait and see
Emily: you're so difficult
Jessica: I know right
As we approach the lodge, my arms begin to feel weak.
Emily: ughhhh Jessssss I cant carry these stupid bags any longerrrr
Jessica: *grunts* ugh, I know, but we have-
I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around me
Emily: *screams*
Jessica: *screams*
Mike: *laughs* chill, chillllll Em, it's me
Emily: ugh! That fucking IDIOT! He literally scares me EVERY single time we come up here! If he wasn't so hot I'd punch him in the face right now!
Emily: ughhhh MIKE!
Jessica: phew!
Mike: hey... Em.... look I'm sorry okay? *smirks*
Emily: oh, really?!
Emily: ugh, whatever!
Mike: C'mon Em, why you always gotta be so worked up?
Emily: oh my god. Mike is constantly saying things like that to me. "Lighten up, Em." "Live a little, Em." "Have some fun, Em." "Give it a break, Em." "It's just a joke, Em." And I'm sick of hearing it. I've heard these things my entire life from my family I don't need it from my boyfriend.
Emily: *rolls eyes* whatever. Here, just, take these. *throws luggage at Mike*
Jessica: *giggles* hey, mine too! *throws luggage at Mike*
Mike: *sighs* glad to be..... of service ladies
Emily: *smirks*
Jessica: and thank you kind sir
Mike: *bows head*
Jessica: *giggles*
Emily: oh my god could those two be any more immature?
Emily: come ON guys! I'm freezing to death over here!
Mike: coming!
—in the lodge—
After forever AGAIN we finally approach the lodge and meet the others inside.
Emily: oh my god, why does it have to be SO cold on these mountains?
Chris: uh... cause it's the mountains?
Emily: ugh, shut up
Ashley: wait.... where's Beth? She was right behind-
I looked out the wide lodge window to see Beth, Hannah, Josh, and Sam out running in the snow.
Emily: ugh, they're playing their stupid games again.
Emily: every single year the four of them go out and run around in the snow until nightfall. Sometimes I wonder why I even associate myself with these people.
Matt: well, it's almost dark. They should probably come-
Emily: has Josh perhaps ever thought of the fact that we're literally freezing to DEATH in here?!
Chris: nobody's cold but you, Em
Emily: shut up
Emily: and Chris with the constant smart ass remarks. Always a pleasure.
—two hours later—
Hannah: *bursts in through door* phew! Oh my god! *giggles*
Sam: *runs in* w-what the hell Hannah *giggles*
Josh: *runs in and trips over Sam*
Sam: whoa-
Emily: I watch as Sam and Josh shamelessly flirt with each other. You know, like a certain Emily over here isn't freezing to DEATH.
Emily: *coughs*
Sam: *looks up*
Emily: uh, Josh? Fire much?
Josh: *coughs and gets up* oh, yeah. Sorry bout that. Your royal highness.
Chris: *snickers*
Emily: *rolls eyes*
Emily: Chris and Josh. The ultimate pair of retards. They can't take anything seriously for the life of them.
Josh: *gets fire started*
Mike: *goes to help Josh*
Jessica: psst, Em
Emily: what?
Jessica: tell the others to meet me in the kitchen
Emily: why are you whispering?
Jessica: ugh, just c'mon!
—later in the kitchen—
Jessica: okay, so here's the deal guys
Jess had made everyone come into the kitchen with her to hear her "idea". All I know is that it'd better be a damn good one.
Beth: wait, where's Hannah? HAN-
Jess quickly covered Beth's mouth.
Josh: Jess, what's going on?
Jessica: *coughs* okay so um, you all know how Hannah has been hitting on Mike, right?
Everyone, including Mike, nods.
Jessica: and that's like, not okay. Cause we all know that Em and Mike are an item now.
Emily: Damn straight.
Jessica: so, I was thinking.... we should see how far she goes with this.
Emily: I'm interested
Chris: so like, a prank?
Emily: of course Chris would want it to be a prank.
Jessica: *giggles* uh, yeah. Like a prank. So anyways, I was thinking, Mike, you could write Hannah a letter.
Mike: who writes letters anymore?
Jessica: *rolls eyes* and have it say something that will get her to come to.... hmm..... let's saaaay..... the guest room.
Mike: mkay....
Jessica: and make it.... you know.... intriguing.... *giggles*
Mike: *winks* I gotcha. But what are we gonna do once she's up there?
Jessica: that's the good part. Matt, I'm going to need you to hold the camera.
Matt: camera?
Emily: yes, let the world know what a whore she is. yes,
Jessica: yes, camera. And everybody, find a hiding place in the room. Except Mike, of course.
Josh: Jess, what are you doing?
Jessica: just a little prank Josh. You in?
Josh: Jess, this is really unnecessary. You know that.
Emily: oh so Mr. Prank only draws the line at his own sister? I see.
Emily: I thought you were all Mr. Pranks Josh? What's wrong? You chicken?
Josh: whatever, I'm not going to be a part of this *leaves kitchen*
Chris: uh... yeah.... you guys have fun with that but uh.... me and Josh are just gonna.... have a few drinks while you..... yeah. Just, really think about it before you do it, okay? *leaves kitchen*
Beth: guys, that's just mean. I know you're all about making fun but this is just kinda going too far.
Emily: and of course, Beth. She's constantly defending Hannah for literally ANYTHING she does. She could kill someone and Beth would say, "well.... they probably deserved it anyways...."
Emily: oh, c'mon, Beth. You don't have to be on her side ALL the time.
Beth: sorry, but no. *leaves kitchen*
Emily: whatever. I just hope she doesn't tell her about it.
Sam: you guys are being huge jerks right now. It's not like Hannah can help that she likes Mike.
Emily: but she can however, Sam, help that she's drooling all over MY boyfriend. It's not my fault nobody wants her nerdy stale lookin-ass.
Emily: Sam, she deserves this and you know it.
Sam: no, I don't. *leaves kitchen*
Jessica: *sighs* so is everybody else in?
Emily: totally
Matt: I... I guess
Ashley: uh yeah
Mike: why not
Jessica: okay, great. Now Mike, you write that letter. We'll meet you at.... lets say 2 a.m. in the guest room. Got it?
Mike: got it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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