Chapter 3: Introducing our new guest!

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"U-um so hi everyone." Jacky waved her hand shyly at them all, smiling softly. "You can just call me Jacky if you don't mind... I have a question for us all, who are all of our crushes...?"

Kitty: "well I haven't really met anyone from here before, for I only came two days ago, so I am out"

Foxy: "hm, I cannot say who I have a crush on to protect the innocent

Freddy: "well um the current security night guard is kind of cute" *Freddy blushes*

Bonnie: "I love my guitar it is my one true love"

Chica: "all the guys here are bone heads so I pass"

Mike: "ah, thanks Freddy"

Purple Guy: "death"

Phone Guy: "Hello, Hello, I like the phone"

Jacky: "well ah, ..."

Phone Guy: "hello there, new meat"

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