By the way..

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•Shigaraki's POV.•
I woke up on a bench in a park, I looked at my watch.
5:03 A.M.
I sat up, looking at the book bag that I had used as a pillow, it wasn't mine, I had found it.
I rubbed my eyes and stood up. Looking around a little as I started walking towards whatever direction U.A was in.
I never liked people, that wasn't a lie. But ever since I met a boy named Dabi, I had started being a little more social, but just with him, a part of me thought he was cute, and that he was just an amazing person.
But the other part of me thought, No, just no. I never thought about liking boys that way, I mean sure, there's nothing wrong with it's just weird to think about.
I arrived at my school in my uniform, I had stopped at a nearby rest-stop and changed. The gate opened and I walked in.
"Hey Shigaraki-Kun!~ Wait up!" a high-pitched voice yelled behind me, I stopped and looked to see the one and only Toga Himiko.
"God damnit Himiko." I heard a low voice say from behind too. Dabi. "You have to wait for me." He said, glancing over at me then Himiko.
"I need to talk to him. In private. Now."
I looked at Dabi, his hair was messy, not as messy as mine, but messy.
" Okay!~"
We went over to a sort of alley-way in the school. "Listen, there's something i've been meaning to uh, tell you.." Dabi said, scratching the back of his neck.
"What is it?" I asked. Suddenly, I felt soft, gentle lips on my forehead.
"I love you, Idiot."

Idiot. - ShigaDabiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin