The Truth ((Written by F.O.))

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(Dan's P.O.V. Best read in a horrible English accent. British? Idc stfu))

Truth be told, I was anxious. It wasn't every day that a man, a BRITISH man at that, gets pregspacito. It was a scary concept.

Phil had scheduled a doctor's appointment for me to figure out at last how such a thing was even possible. A miracle from the YouTube Gods, maybe? Pfft, they could care less about us. Wink wink nudge nudge. (RIP our views lmaooooo)

The morning of the appointment, I woke up to find myself in a half empty bed. With a frown, I sat up and heard...

" B O R K. B O R K. "

I gasped and ran out, clad only in my blue rubber ducky boxers. "PHIL WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING BABY SHIT NOT A FUCKING D O G." To my dismay, there was a fucking golden retriever rolling about in the living area. How the heck did Phil even decide this.

"Morning, Dan! I found him on the side of the road. Isn't he precious?" Phil grinned as he spoke, gazing up at me with those blue ass eyes. "Sure..." I said. "Have you named him already?" I asked, sitting down next to our new pet thing I guess. "Sir Nicholas Pinof the 2009th!" It's official. Phil is a disgusting monster. I cant believe I'm carrying his birth child.

"GOD." I prepared to yeet Phil into the great unknown. I was ready to cry because I was afraid we would be late. Oh no. M y  h o r m o n e s  h a v e  a r r I v e d . I shrieked.


"The appointment isn't for another hour-"


TO BE CONTINUED (Unlike the hand fanfiction C O u G)

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