Chapter Ten: ➰

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Tia's POV

Daylight came almost too quickly.

And nothing could of mentally prepared me for the hangover that I woke up with,  blinding sunlight beamed through the open curtains, only making the pain in my head a little more intense.

It wasn't until I adjusted my eyes to the light, that I noticed I wasn't alone. A smug looking Hunter sat in the armchair opposite our marital bed, watching me intensely with that stupid, yet very pretty face of his.

"Feeling rough princess?"

"You opened the curtains on purpose." I whined, having to shield my eyes every time I looked over in his direction.

"It's noon Tia, don't be so dramatic. Curtains tend to be open at this time of the day." Smart arse. Eurgh I'm in no fit state to deal with his quick wit and sarcasm.

"Not in the houses of people who consume their body weight in tequila."

"Speak for yourself, I'm feeling quite alright and it's a lovely day outside." He grinned pulling back the curtains even more.

"Why aren't you at work?" I eyed him skeptically, he was dressed in his usual full three piece suit. What made today so different? Every other day this week,  he's been gone before I've even woke up.

"Thought I'd work from home today." He replied bluntly. There was some kind of atmosphere between us and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. This was how it was ever since we stepped back into this country. However today he seemed a little more upbeat, I'm glad he's taking enjoyment in my fragile state.

The sound of his phone ringing interrupted us.
I couldn't read his expression. He rolled his eyes and threw the phone to the side.

"Problem?" I quizzed sitting myself up.

"No." But he didn't sound so sure. "They can wait. Today you have me all to yourself. No work, no phones." I almost scoffed at that. I'll believe that when I see it.

"Oh really?" I bit out sarcastically. "And what's granted me such privilege?"

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with my wife?"

"You want to spend time with me?" I scoffed, he had a real funny way of showing it. I wasn't expecting married life to start off like this. I thought the misery and arguments were at least 20 years away.

"Are you on your period? Or are you actually annoyed with me?" He had some nerve. I've put up with his snappy behaviour for the past couple of days, now it's his turn to deal with it.

A taste of his own medicine.

"You've avoided me like the plague ever since we got back, and anytime we have spent together you've been in a shitty mood Hunter. So don't you dare blame it on my period!" I was thankful for the glass of water and the two paracetamol placed on the bedside table. I saw Hunter cringe the minute I said the word 'period.' "Oh and girls bleed from their vagina get over it!" My voice was raised now.

I was in no mood to tolerate any of his bullshit.

"Tia calm down."

"No you're a piece of shit sometimes Hunter!" I snapped. "Come waltzing in here like you own the place, demanding we spend the day together." I realised my fuck up the minute it left my mouth, he does own the place. Plus he didn't come waltzing in, its his bedroom too.

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