chapter 7

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Marcus and I were walking into the hotel we were all staying at, everyone was already there and in their rooms.

We went to get our rooms keys and went up to our rooms, we were in different rooms so we said bye to each other and headed to our separate rooms.

I open the door and walk in and see the last person I want to see.

Me - jack

He hears his name and turns around

Jack - Claire , what are you doing here

Me - I'm your roommate

Jack - ok cool

He leaves me to go get changed.

While I was sitting down going through my twitter feed I get a text from someone ,I check and its Marcus

It read

Hey I just want to say I think you should tell jack today or tomorrow because he is really upset

                                                                                                         - Marcus

I texted back saying

Ok , but how do you know ?

       - Claire

He texted me saying how lucky I was to have you  , plus he told me he really misses being able to talk to you without it being weird

               - Marcus

How would it be weird ?

             - Claire

Because he likes you

         - Marcus

As soon as I read the message jack came back into the room

Jack - I'm going out I'll be back later

Me -ok

And then he walked out the door

I texted back Marcus saying I'll tell jack and then I thought of ways to tell him

------------------AT NIGHT -----------------------

Jack was back around an hour ago and its been an awkward silence, he hasn’t even looked at me let alone talk.

Me - jack can we talk

Jack - sure what about ?

Me - I need to tell you something

Jack - ok go ahead

Me - I really uh like

He interrupts me before I can say I like him and says something I wish he didn’t

Jack - Marcus ?

Me - no, not Marcus

Jack - but aren't you guys going out

Me - um not really I went out with him to cover up of who I like

Jack - so you're single

Me - yeah but I need to tell you something

He didn’t reply. He just kissed me , I kissed him back

We kissed for a few minutes until he pulled away . I pouted at him

Jack - I really like you

Me - I really like you too

Jack - would you please make me the happiest man in the world and be my girlfriend

Me - yes

I go to text Marcus and tell him about it, we don’t exactly break up cause we weren't actually dating but we broke up , but were still great friends

Jack - I'm so happy we finally admitted to each other how we feel

Me -same

We kiss and then watch some movies and fall asleep.

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