Expanding the family

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Harper's POV

I finally gave birth to baby number two. Martha Ember Fuller. She was beautiful. Dalton brought in Hank to meet her.

He looked at her and said, "baby

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He looked at her and said, "baby."

Dalton got down to his level and said, "this is your baby sister. You're going to love her and protect her."

He nodded as Dalton stood up. He picked Martha up and took a seat in a chair. Hank walked over to him and gently touched her. I watched as Dalton talked to both of them.

I sat there and smiled, watching my family. Having children with Dalton was never the plan but life doesn't always go according to plan.

They released me the next day and Dalton came to pick up Martha and me along with Hank. We got a bigger truck to set them and us.

He brought us home and we got settled. It was good to be home. With two little ones here now, life was going to become pretty busy.

Dalton also continued to break horses albeit getting hurt a few times. I worried but I also knew that Dalton loved horses.

As the kids grew, they were around horses a lot. We would take them riding any chance we got.

At one point Ember got a picture of us at the stables.

Martha of course was wearing her tutu because she was a cowboy princess

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Martha of course was wearing her tutu because she was a cowboy princess. As I said before, Dalton had a cowboy but I wanted a princess.

Payton pulled in and the kids heard the roar of his engine. We had to restrain them so they didn't get hurt. Once he got out of the truck, we let them loose and they ran to him.

He crouched down, holding out his arms, "hey youngins. Did you come to see grandpa?"

"Yes," they yelled causing home to chuckle.

"Thought so," he said hoisting them in his arms as he stood up.

We walked over to them.

"They've been begging to come over," Dalton said.

"Yeah I was put scouting for new horses and found a few I think will work. We're set to pick them up tomorrow," he said.

Just then I felt my stomach turn. I bolted for the bathroom. Payton looked at Dalton.

He gave a look, "yeah, baby number three is going to be fun." Payton chuckled as they went into the house.

I wouldn't mind pregnancy if it wasn't for the sickness. After this baby, I was done. Three were enough.

After I finished, I came out of the bathroom and Ember handed me a box of Saltines. Thank the lord because food made me nauseous.

Sawyer and his wife walked in with their little boy who was Martha's age. Yeah Sawyer didn't waste any time getting married and starting a family.

Cass arrived with her husband and come to find out she was expecting. At least I could share in my misery with her, considering she was hugging the toilet as much as I was.

It was nice to have family. Dalton gave me that.

Dalton's POV

After this baby, Harper was going to have her tubes tied. We talked and both agreed, three was enough. Whether it was a boy or girl, we were happy with our family.

After spending the day with the family and eating, we drove home. We pulled up to the house and noticed the horses were restless.

Getting out of the truck I went to check on them. Harper was in the process of getting the kids out when she heard a shotgun go off.

"Kids stay here. Don't move." She ordered them as they sat there wide eyed.

She grabbed the shot gun out of the back of the truck and ran to the stables. Then she saw Christy and me. Christy had her back to Harper as I stood there with my hands raised.

She quietly walked over and placed the barrel to the back of Christy's head, "either put the gun down or I will shoot you like the dog you are."

"You don't have the guts," she sneered as Harper chocked the gun.

"Try me."

She lowered the gun as I walked over and took it from her. Then I called the sheriff. They arrived and took Christy away.

I turned to see a horse dead. She killed one of the horses. According to her, she would have shot all them dead if she had the opportunity. Kill the thing I love.

I looked at Harper, "thanks darlin."

"Dalt, you and the kids are my life. Horses can be replaced but none of you can. Remember that." She turned and walked away.

I called pa to come over and dispose of the dead horse. He showed up and helped me. Once we finished I went to check on Harper and the kids.

She had finished putting them to bed and I walked in, wrapping my arms around her, "you still mad?"

"No just worried. She could have shot you," she said her voice laced with concern.

I spun her around, "good thing my woman knows how to handle a gun." I smiled and she rolled her eyes at me.

I didn't hesitate to pull her into a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Harper was right. Horses could be replaced. Our family couldn't.

I didn't want the kids to grow up not knowing me or her. I wanted them to have the love of family no matter what.

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