Backstory - Luci

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  "Wait, please!" She yelled, her heart dropping to the pits of her stomach as she held her hands out in front of her cautiously, her eyes stinging with tears while her hands glowed with hot flames that licked against the air dangerously. "ne dvigaytes', my budem strelyat'! {Do not move, we will shoot}" one of the soldiers shouted out of warning. Four soldiers were standing before her, two holding loaded rifles and the other holding Luci's dear old dad, the soldiers arm around his neck. The final soldier was standing before the three of them, his arms behind his back. He seemed like a higher ranking than the others, despite his ranked badges and the way he was dressed. "We have been looking for you for a while, 'nebesnyy' {Heavenly, since Celeste means Heavenly}" the higher soldier stated, his voice not showing any emotion. "You possess the same powers as some of the most powerful gods out there...Thor, Zeus, is incredible, especially that you are living in a pesky human carcass.." he said, his dark eyes staring into Luci's scared emerald ones. Luci kept her eyes on her dad, tears almost falling over her water line like a waterfall. "We want you to come with us...Hydra would be overjoyed to have you as an interrogator and soldier, Celeste-" he was about to finish, but was interrupted by a flame flying to his feet, causing the soldier to step back. "My name is not Celeste! My name is Luci..." she said as tears fell down her face. "And I am not working with are murders! You have almost committed genocide on numbers of races...I am not willing to use my power for evil..I am nothing like you" she yelled, her voice shaking from the fear that ran through her veins. The soldier nodded raised an eyebrow. " act like i'm giving you a choice in the matter..." he said as he looked back at the soldier who was holding her father, giving him a nod of approval. The soldier nodded and looked down at the man before...snap
Luci's eyes widened as she watched her father drop to the ground, deceased. "NO!" She yelled before sending a wave of energy through the air, knocking the soldiers off their feet as she ran to her dad, holding him in her arms as she cried harshly. "D-dad...please wake u-up.." she sobbed, knowing she wasn't going to  get a response from him. She looked at his dull eyes and buried her face into his chest, crying while clutching on to his body. "I'm sorry..." she said repeatedly before she was yanked up by a pair of soldiers, shoving a pair of iron cuffs over her hands to keep her from using her magic. She screamed, tugging at the cuffs before she felt an impact on the back of her head. Everything went black...

She woke up strapped to a chair with a killer headache, but felt nothing but numb. Her emotions seemed to be washed from existence. She refused to show any of her emotions as of then. Her once bright green eyes were dead and broken and her smile was pulled into a saddened line. Her shirt had been removed and left her in a sports bra and jeans. She was greeted by a man with a fancy uniform, almost the same as the soldier from before, but he seemed a bit higher class with his lieutenant cap. The man stood in front of her, her eyes meeting his as she sat still. The man spoke up. "Ready for your mission, Soldat...?" He questioned, his voice smooth. She only said two words in response...
"Yes, Leytenant {Lieutenant}"

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