Chapter Two

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"My poor baby. Fugaku this shouldn't have happened to him." A voice that to Sasuke so much like his mother. Sasuke groaned as his eyes fluttered open only to be greeted by darkness.

"Hush. He's waking up." That voice sounded like his dad.

Sasuke shook his head as the smell of cleaning supplies and disinfectant hit his nose as he sat up. He was in the hospital he knew that much. He reached up to his eyes only to find bandages. Fearing the worst he tugged them off and blinked as the light blinded him for a moment. Looking around he sighed in relief as he was not blind and got off the cot.

"Where's he going?" That voice like his mom's whispered. Sasuke ignored it thinking he was imagining it. He stepped out his hospital room and walked to the hallway where he stopped hearing nurses.

"Did you hear about what happened?" One of them asked.

"About the Uchiha Massacre?" Another whispered.

"Is that what they're calling it?"

"Yep, the whole Uchiha Clan was killed except for one."


"The younger one, Sasuke. He is in the hospital still asleep."

"Is he the only survivor?"

"Yes, unless you count his brother who killed the clan and is now a missing-nin."

"How old is the Last Uchiha?"

"Last Uchiha?"

"Yea, after all, he's the last one in Konoha."

"True. He's 7 I believe."

"Poor thing..."

That was all Sasuke heard before he turned away easily avoiding the hospital security. He began walking to the Uchiha Compound even though it began to rain. He kept his head low and his bangs now damp covered his face. As he went to the gate he looked at it before hearing a crash. Hoping he ran in only to see a cat run away. He sighed heavily.

"Oh, my baby." That voice. Sasuke shut his eyes. No! His mom was dead! So....why could he hear her?

"I must be going crazy." He muttered as he reached the heart of the compound. He looked up. When did he walk here? More importantly, however......


With a yelp, Sasuke stumbled back as he recognized some of them. Weren't they supposed to be dead? "What?" He mumbled in shock. These people were his clan! Yet, they are clearly not alive.

"What happened?" That voice of his mother had asked. Slowly he turned around and fell down in shock.

"M-mom? D-dad?" Sasuke murmured in disbelief. The two figures looked down with wide eyes.

"Y-you can see us?" His mom Mikoto asked hopefully. Sasuke gave a small nod before closing his eyes.

"Get a grip! They're dead!" Sasuke yelled. "I'm probably hallucinating from whatever they gave me at the hospital!"

"Sasuke...." This time it was Fugaku's voice.

"They are not real... THEY ARE DEAD!!" Sasuke yelled before beginning to cry. "And it's because of me! If I went for help instead of continuing to my house...but now N-Nii-san...killed them." Sasuke sobbed.

"Oh, Sasuke.  It wasn't your fault." Mikoto cooed to her child. Murmurs of agreement rang from the clan that was killed.

"Your dead though?" Sasuke murmured in disbelief as he reached over to touch them only for his hand to go through.

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