Chapter Five

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"Ah, Dog I wondered when you would finish," Hiruzen said. "Take off your mask I want to talk to Kakashi."

"Very well," Kakashi said taking off his mask. "May I ask why you asked me to pose as an ANBU? If I recall you made me quit and try training genin." He drawled as he pulled out an orange book.

"I do wish you would pass at least one team," Hiruzen said with a sigh. "But because I knew I could trust you with this job and not take anything from Sasuke and as you know... no one wants to enter the area at all."

"I guess I understand," Kakashi muttered as he looked up and snapped his book short. "Well, he's sad and hides behind a mask of indifference. He's cautious about people and can cook!"

"He cooked for you?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yep! But what intrigued me was that he cleaned that mansion of his and went in all the other houses and cleaned the inside by himself." Kakashi said.

"Every house?" Hiruzen asked shock evident in his voice.

"Well....he didn't for two but I worry since that area is full of dry blood," Kakashi said.

"As do I, but it is Sasuke's home now and he wants to preserve it. He even wants to keep the yellow tape at the front." Hiruzen said.

"I suppose," Kakashi said looking out the window. "Another orphan of a tragic event." He said with a sigh.

"Indeed. Go home and rest you have a mission tomorrow." Hiruzen said. Kakashi gave a nod and left through the window.

The Next Day:

Sasuke looked at Shisui stubbornly with a pout.

Shisui was glaring at Sasuke.

This was the scene Fugaku and Mikoto saw when they entered Sasuke's room. Ghosts didn't sleep, eat, or drink so they were wandering around the village. "Shisui what are you doing?" Fugaku asked.

"And why are you in Sasuke's room at..." Mikoto turned to the clock. "At 7 in the morning?"

"I was wandering around here when I saw him still awake. It was 2 in the morning by the way." Shisui said. "And for the past 5 hours I've been trying to make him tell me why he was up but he's so stubborn and won't say a word!" Shisui exclaimed.

Fugaku raised an eyebrow as he sighed. He turned to Sasuke who was now looking out the window. "Sasuke? Do you have anything to say?" He looked at his son's face seeing the slight frown on Sasuke.

He sighed and floated. "Sasuke." He said more sternly this time. This seemed to anger Sasuke though if the clenched fist was anything to go by.

"I have to go," Sasuke muttered. He turned and left the room without bothering to look at anyone.

"What's wrong with him?" Mikoto asked worry evident in her voice.

"I don't know. But I intend to find out." Fugaku grumbled. He floated off with Shisui and Mikoto in tow. Sasuke had left the compound somehow managing to avoid his dead clan. He walked to the woods where he had played with his brother.

Why is the world so cruel to him? Why did he have to be cursed with seeing the dead? Then again....he only saw his dead clan so far. Could he see other dead people? He shivered. He hoped not.

He sighed. A part of him knew that he should see this as a blessing in disguise but when his cousin and father start demanding things he got upset. Never had his father showed an interest in him. It seemed unfair and kinda sad to Sasuke that death is what changed the clan.


Sasuke looked at who called his name and saw his dad. 'He came after me?' He thought puzzled.

"Sasuke what's wrong with you?" Fugaku said. "You may be living alone but that doesn't mean you can do what you want now that there is no physical adult there for you."

"Do you think I like being alone?!" Sasuke yelled incredulously. "You are dead! You have no right to act like a dad right now! None of you have any right when all you did was ignore me in favor of Itachi!"

"Chibi..." Shisui said beginning to understand.

"Why?! Why is it that now that you're dead you ask and expect things of me?" Sasuke said holding back tears. "Don't get me wrong I'm happy to see you even though you're all dead.'s hard..." He sniffled.

"Oh, Sasuke," Mikoto said softly wanting to hug her son. And hug him she did. Sasuke felt cold arms around him. Fugaku and Shisui joined in and although they were all cold to the touch Sasuke never felt warmer.

"You good now chibi?" Shisui asked. Sasuke gave a nod.

"Sorry about that," Sasuke mumbled.

"Don't be you're right we are dead and therefore shouldn't expect things from you or for you to listen to us. But since you can see and hear us know that we will act like a family. After some practice, we'll be able to touch you for a longer period of time I'm sure." Fugaku said with a sigh. He really failed as a parent.

"You said you wanted Nii-san to look after me... but he's gone," Sasuke said looking away.

"Yea, apparently he's going undercover in a group," Shisui said. "But if you see a crow it might be one of his summons." He said with a frown. If he was alive he'd be teaching Itachi a good lesson. Looking after someone didn't mean make them hate you, threaten Danzo, and leave said someone alone.

Sasuke gave a nod and looked around. "Should we go back?" he asked.

"Hn," Fugaku said with a nod.

"He means yes," Shisui said.

"I know that. Itachi is always speaking in the Uchiha language." Sasuke said with a scowl. Shisui only laughed as he flew ahead leaving Sasuke to catch up along with his parents.


As Hiruzen walked toward the Uchiha Compound, he saw some villagers looking glad or fearful. News always did spread fast. He sighed. Ever since the attack 7 years ago being blamed on the Uchiha distrust between the clan and village occurred. Some ninja and civilians seemed relieved the clan was gone. Others were fearful of the Uchiha that killed the best ninja clan in one night.

When he reached the area. he walked to the isolated Compound and stopped shocked at seeing Sasuke in front of the entrance panting as if he ran there. He expected him to stay in the house mourning not leaving it.

He watched as Sasuke looked up and glared at something before rolling his eyes and going under the yellow tape to the gate.
Sasuke made it to his home and stood at the entrance panting.

"Ha! I beat you!" Shisui exclaimed sticking his tongue out childishly.

Sasuke glared at him.

"Shisui! Don't be rude, unlike Sasuke you were floating." Mikoto said.

"I still won though!" Shisui whined causing Sasuke to roll his eyes.

"The Hokage is here. Get inside Sasuke." Fugaku said looking at the Hokage who was behind Sasuke. Sasuke went under the tape and walked to the entrance.

Shinji was passing by and looked at him with a smile "Ah, good to see you Sasuke-sama. We decided to activate the safety seals in and around the compound. They will only allow those with Uchiha blood to enter. The seal covers the whole compound so it's protected from above as well."

"Wow! I forgot about those since it's only during war. But it makes sense since many may try to kidnap Sasuke or steal." Shisui said. Sasuke looked intrigued and channeling chakra the seal appeared. "Bite your thumb chibi like this," Shisui said as bit his thumb and put it on the seal. Sasuke began mimicking his cousin when the Hokage walked in and looked on in shock as he sensed that the seals were activated.

"How..." Was all he could say. Hiruzen looked stunned. Was Sasuke taught about the seals of the Uchiha Compound?

Sasuke turned to the Hokage and managed to keep a neutral look. "Safety is important." He said before walking in leaving a bewildered Hokage.

Hiruzen closed his eyes and counted to 10.

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