Chapter 2

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"Man, it's so damn dark, I can't see a damn thing."

"Multiple?! Oh no, oh no no no no... and what the fuck was that roar? I gotta get out of here. Fast.

As soon as I get out of the chamber, I spot the statue, there appears to be two guys already staring at it.

"Agent, behind you!"

"Oh shit!"

"Keep your eyes on it!"

"Alright, I'm going to blink. Just keep on watching it."

"Alright, got it."

The scientist and the guard slowly back out of the room, the statue's gone again.. Why didn't it kill me? Is it toying with me? God damn bastard. I continue my walk throughout the dark hallways... everything went quiet so quickly. I notice a hallway with rooms on each side, I decide to go into one of them.

"Aha! A level 1 keycard, it's a start, at least! This battery might be useful too, you never know."

I continue to go down what seems like an endless line of doors.

"What the hell? It's the same room over and over again? How is that even possi-"

I decide not to question it anymore and continue on my way, finding lots of doors, who I can't unfortunately open.

"Damn, I'll need a higher clearance level keycard I guess."

A little bit later, I finally find a door this piece of shit keycard can open! I notice it's some sort of observation room. Oh God, I almost didn't notice the statue in there. Thankfully I'm protected by the glass. I pick up the level 2 keycard and as I back out of the room, I blink.


"Ah! You sure as hell didn't waste any time on that window, did you, you bastard?"

I slowly back out, trying not to pass out because of how close I was to dying again.

"Phew, let's keep going, hopefully I can open some more stuff. I'll come back for the doors I skipped. Man, this place is driving me crazy, I'm already talking to myself."

I find a large gate, with the following sign next to it.

A safe class SCP, finally something that doesn't want to kill me

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A safe class SCP, finally something that doesn't want to kill me. My keycard opens the gate with ease. I close it behind me, just in case SCP-173 gets any funny ideas. I notice a paper on one of the shelves, maybe it will help me understand what this giant machine does.  

"That's not that helpful

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"That's not that helpful..."

I decide to turn the knob on VERY FINE, putting my level 1 keycard in the intake booth, after a minute, the keycard pops out in the other side, now a playing card.

"Well, shit. That's not good."

I try my level 2 keycard on FINE, this time, it seems like the keycard turned into a level 3!

"Yes! Progress!"

I decide to check around the shelves some more, finding a first aid kit. While I'm rummaging through the items around the place, I suddenly hear some weird breathing, and corroding sounds, I look down at the ground and see... something that looks like a black man, RISING FROM THE FLOOR?!


I rush to the gate to open it, I try to close it behind him, but he just walks right through it.

"He just popped from the ground, of course he can walk through it, you dumbass!"

I run as fast as I can, luckily for me he's pretty slow, but he still seems to be catching up. When I enter one of the hallways, I notice a person running my way, unfortunately for her, it seems she walked through some... electricity trap thing. I notice the timing of it, and pass through it, giving me an idea.

"Maybe I can lure him in this..."

Through the dark hallways, I see nothing but his white eyes, 2 pearly dots in the darkness, creepy motherfucker. I wait for him to come close... Success! The tesla gate hits him, and it seems like he left.

"Eat that, you freak!"

I continue through the facility, finding some interesting SCPs on the way, I find some sort of blue key, a green ring, and a cold war era soviet gas mask, I'd rather not test something out until I found what they do.

I spot something that catches my eye.

I spot something that catches my eye

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"Sigh, what have I got to lose..."

I decide to open it, heading down a set of stairs into what seems like a control room, when suddenly the door opens! A horrible sounding song starts playing... repeating in my head.

I feel.. drawn towards it.. why? I can't stop myself, I aproach the room where SCP-012 is in, a sheet of paper in a box that is getting lowered from the ceiling. I can't... resist it. I can't... control... myself.

"I have to... I have to finish it..."

I've lost control of my body, I dig my nails into my wrist, drawing blood.


I force myself to walk away, leaving a trail of blood behind me.

"No thanks, fuck you, fuck your concert and fuck everything you stand for!"

I shut the door and give the middle finger to it. I take a moment to look at my wrist, damn, how the fuck did I do that with my nails?

"I'm lucky I got that medkit.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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