I Do

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Elizabeth Midford.

Daughter of Alexis Leon Midford and Francis Midford.

The wife of the Queen's watchdog.

Today was a special day for the young lady. A day what every women dreamed of. It was her wedding day. She couldn't help but smile bashfully as she walked down the aisle, with her arms locked around her father's arm. Elizabeth hates to admit it but she was a bit nervous. When she was a little girl she expected herself to be super excited, jumping her way down the aisle. But now that she matured then it wasn't going to be like that anymore.

She wore her elegant white wedding that reached to the bottom of the floor as a part of it dragged right on the floor behind her. Her plain white veil reached right about her waist. On top of her head she had a mini bouquet. Her blonde hair was done in a perfect bun as two strings of her hair fell loosely besides her face. Lets not forgot the popular low heeled shoes. If she were to wear heels then she would be right at Ciel's side. He's only two or theee inches taller than her.

At the end of the aisle there she spotted her soon to be husband, in a marvelous suit. Jet black. Just like his butler's clothing. They were matching. Yet they had different styles.

Alexis soon made a stop, letting go of his daughter, away to his son in law. He smiled at Ciel before walking away back to his seat. Elizabeth took a couple of steps on the mini stairs to make her way in front of Ciel. She stood in front of him, holding onto his hands.

The priest began his speech,

"Do you Ciel Phantomhive as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or to poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He says.

Elizabeth looked at Ciel, with such love and helplessness. She smiled, which caused him to smile. How how much she loved to see his smile.

"I do." Elizabeth says

The priest turned to Ciel.

"Do you take Elizabeth Middleford as your lawful Wide, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or to poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Ciel grinned, "I do."

"You May kiss the bride."

Elizabeth's face inches closer to Ciel's face, looking into his blue orbs. This is the man that she was made to spend the rest of her life with. Ciel soon started inching closer to her face, closing the gap with a kiss. Everyone clapped and cheered for them.

Elizabeth pulled away, cheeks turning into a light pink blush.

"My Ciel." She says.

"My Elizabeth."

The two walked down the aisle, passing through the opened doors. A carriage awaited for then right in front of the church. Behind the two, followed all the guests, cheering for them.

Elizabeth was happy, her dream come true. With Ciel! Oh how hard she worked to become a perfect wife.

As the crowd threw roses at the couple, Elizabeth grabbed a rose from a little girl who was her niece. She smiled, giving her a little wave.

Ciel and Elizabeth entered the carriage, the two sat across from each other. Ciel rested, as he laid his head back escaping a small sigh. Elizabeth paid no attention to him, she just smiled down at the rose in her hand. This rose will forever be with her no matter what. It'll always remind her of this special day.


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