The Secret Garden

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It has been a couple of months since Ciel and Elizabeth have gotten married. Ever since then,  Elizabeth has moved into his manor, now sharing a room with him. It was odd at first but they soon got the hang of it. Since they are 21, it is expected of them to have a child already but Elizabeth hasn't bothered to try yet. She told him to wait until she is ready. It did bother Ciel since he did want children, mainly a boy, to continue his company.

Ciel rolled onto his back, feeling the soft bed. He lets out a loud groan, looking up at the ceiling. He looked at his wife who was asleep. He must admit, he did get lucky to be with a beautiful woman. He grinned, his hand caressing her cheek. Her beautiful porcelain like skin was so soft and rosy. Ciel had urges. He wanted to sleep with her already. Of course he had to be a good husband and not force things onto her. Especially with her. She could have his head in a second. After that whole ship zombie stuff, he was scared to even mess with her.

Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open, revealing her green emerald orbs. A smile formed onto her face seeing Ciel's face.

"Good morning love." Ciel says. Elizabeth sat up, she stretched her arms out.

"Good morning to you too dear."

Elizabeth got up from the bed, revealing her long white nightgown. She entered the bathroom, to wash her face. As she entered she began speaking with Ciel.

"So, Ciel, anything planned today?" She asked him from inside, Ciel sat up as well, rubbing his eyes. He thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"Ah yes. I have to go speak with Mr. Hansen. Him and I have some business to discuss this afternoon. Then around 3 PM or so I must go buy new clothing for this Friday's ball." Ciel says as he watched Elizabeth in the bathroom, washing her face.

She grabbed a small towel, drying her face with it. She squeezed the towel, releasing a gasp.

"Oh! The ball is this Friday?" She says, "How can I forget...I'm the one throwing the ball!" Elizabeth groaned, she walked back into the room going over to closet. There were many racks of her dresses, scarves, hats all that. Elizabeth was a very fashionable person, of course he favorite color is pink. It always have been.

"Ciel would you be a dear to help me tie my corset?" She turned to face him. Ciel nodded his head.

"Of course."


A lot of yelps and groaning escaped from Elizabeth's lips. She kept going on about how she needed it to be tight so her waist would be perfect. Ciel never understood women on why they needed a corset. It looks painful! He's been through it before...once!

The two walked down the hall, both in their outfits for today. Ciel wore a suit that was a dark blue, a red ribbon that Elizabeth placed for him was right in the middle of his collar bone  . As for Lizzy she wore a long sleeved light green dress along with dark green low heeled shoes. Her hair was done in a perfect bun while a string of her bags hung loosely.

Elizabeth softly giggled, listening to Ciel's corset story.

"So you had to wear a corset before?" She questions him with an eyebrow raised, a smirk appearing on her face. Ciel sighed in embarrassment.

"Yes...I must was quite painful." He faced the other way, blushing furiously. Elizabeth places a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright dear! When I stated off with a corset I almost couldn't breathe. Especially during my fencing lessons." She frowned, "But I got use to it."

Ciel chuckled.

They were soon stopped by the Butler, Sebastian.

"Good morning Master and to you too Mrs. Phantomhive." He bowed in front of them as he looked up at the two with his red orbs.

"Good morning Sebastian!" Elizabeth clapped her hands together, smiling at the butler, "Now will you both excuse me, I'll be out in the garden." Elizabeth turns to face Ciel, "Please be safe once you head out dear!" She placed a kiss on Ciel's cheek before heading down the hall.

Sebastian stood up straight, smiling down at his master.

"Master, do you wish for me to prepare the carriage?"

Ciel nodded his head.

"Yes. It's nearly 11 PM. I have to be there at 12."  He says. Sebastian nodded his head.

"Yes Master."

Sebastian then walks back from he came from, going to get the carriage ready.


Elizabeth entered the garden, but more specify it was a secret garden. Somewhere where Ciel has never bothered to visit. She entered the secret garden to see Finny watering the roses. In this secret garden it was surrounded with bushes of roses. So many kind of roses! Red, pink,orange, white! She often came here to help but Finny insisted that she sat there watched him.

She took a seat on the bench, watching Finny. Sweat started streaming down his face. She frowned, standing up walking her wya towards him.

"Finny, you can take a break. I can do this on my own." She says sweetly. Finny shook his head.

"Oh no! You'll get your dress ruined! We wouldn't want that happened...besides a lady should never do this type of work." He says, but realized the problem of his choice of words. Elizabeth's frown appeared once again.

"Finny...I fence. I'm suppose to get dirty or sweaty at some point, right? Besides I have plenty of other beautiful dresses!" She says, "Now allow me to help." Elizabeth went on her knees, dirtying her dress. Finny helped seeing Elizabeth touch the soil.

"Gardening seems so much fun! Please, teach me right away!"

"Gardening seems so much fun! Please, teach me right away!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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