A new beginning(Prolouge)

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A pure black tom with green eyes walked forward at a brisk pace. He had two mice in his jaws and his other companions, who was behind him, also carried a bird and a fish. One of the cats was a gray tom and the other was a brown she-cat. They continued to move forward, occasionally at times crossing a stream to get to their camp.

In their camp there was space for the other eight cats who lived there with them. Once they was close to camp, they stopped at the entrance before going inside. Their leader who was gray with black spots on his pelt and white paws and the tip of his pelt was white, came out from under the log that was shelter from the rain, spoke.
"Raven, Storm and Lily", he said softly, "put those over there and come. It's something that you might want to see."

They all went outside to the little stream that cut off from the river and saw a silver tabby with black paws trembling and looking scared. "She smells like WillowClan." Meowed Lily.

"She is. But listen to her story." Said the leader. "Go on Silverfall."

She looked up slightly mumbling inaudibly, then said with confidence. "Not until you tell me who you all are."

"Well I'm Heron." Said the gray tom with black spots on his pelt and white paws. "That pure black tom is Raven."

"The brown she-cat is Lily. The three gray toms are Storm, Thunder and Lightning. Storm is the one with amber eyes, Thunder has yellow eyes and Lightning has green eyes."

"That silver she-cat is Moon. The brown tom with swirls of white and black on him is Rabbit. The golden tom is Sun. That black she-cat with hazel eyes is well Hazel." He mewed then chuckled softly at his own joke.

"The cream colored she-cat is Dawn. And that's it. Now tell us your story." He added softly, looking at her with wide yellow eyes.

She stood up slightly stumbling but Lightning was beside her and she leaned on him. She mumbled thanks and he led her to the stream. She leaned down and lapped it up. To her, it tasted like the Clear Pool. She ruffled out her pelt and turned around and saw them waiting on her.

"I'm Silverfall as you all ready know. I come from WillowClan but was exiled out for something that wasn't my fault or intention." The silver tabby mumbled softly.

Dawn looked up at Heron with a quick glance then nodded. "You can stay here with us." She looked sideways then added. "What exactly did you do in the clan. You don't have the build of a warrior."

"I was....a medicine cat. But now I'm the medicine cat of your clan. Is this a clan??"

"More like a gang but if you see us a clan then yes." Grumbled Raven.

"All right! Dawn, Sun, Rabbit and Lily, go hunt. Storm, Lighting, Thunder and Moon, you four go look for a more suitable camp. This one is becoming small." Heron ordered.

 A new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now