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                    To say that Alexa Cahill hadn't had passed one of the best moments in her life while being with Tony Stark would be lying completely.

      She had fun when she was with him. She felt appreciated and protected. She enjoyed the dynamic they shared. She considered the fact that they acted like children but, at the same time, they acted like adults, could only work perfectly fine while they were next to each other. 

      Alexa Cahill was certain that, while she kept sharing moments with Tony Stark—doesn't matter how short they were—she would keep being happy.

      At that moment, Alexa was being held between Tony's arms. Her eyes were lost in the fire in front of them while she enjoyed his strong cologne. She rested her head in his chest and a tiny smile spread in her face when she noticed that he was asleep.

      It was then when she felt a sweet pleasure.

SWEET PLEASURE [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now