The Six

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The world was once a home to many different forms of humans. There were six different races. The benders, those who controlled the elements; the shifters, those who shifted to the form that they chose; the hybrids, those who were half human and half god; the gnomes, those who took residence in the deep jungles; the humaniods, those who took the shape of a human; and lastly, the gods themself. Not all was well, but the wars never lasted and in the end the peace was kept, until the gods vanished. It was total chaos to the other races, the gods kept the peace and settled all wars. After centures the races slowly died out, leaving what we have now, the normal human. But the gods are returning to settle one last battle, and with them they will bring their races to finish what was once started by the one race the gods could not control.


Growing up in Ireland isn't exactly how people think it is. Yea, it rains ALOT and yes i hace bad alargies ALOT but Ireland is known as one of the prettiest places on earth for a reason... though i barely step outside. My name is Alastar Pain. I know what your thinking, not on Irish last name. I honestly have no clue were my last name came from and I tend to name ask questions about my familys past mainly cause I was adopted but also because my mother is crazy.

"AL!" Speak of the devil...

"Mother, if anything affends me its the use of my childhood nickname given to me buy a bully." I gave her a definate stare as she walked through the threshold into my room. Yes even in Ireland we are bullied.

"Well I always thought it was cute, and Henry O'Dell was not a bully he was just oversized and didnt know his own strength." My mother might be telling the truth, or it ,ight have to do with the fact that she was banging his father at the time, I'm not sure.

My mother started rummaging through my cloths I had tucked in my hamper, seperating the darks, the lights, and the 'holy hell dirty' from the 'maybe i can wear it again'. My mother would be a lovely, average redhead Irish woman if it werent for the fact that she looked 32 going on 50. Life had been hard on her after my father died when I yound, but she tried and thats all that mattered.

"So whats on the to do list today? Drawing, writing, killing innocent puppies?" She giggled at her own joke while I found it slightly molevalent.

"No, today is paper report day. A five page study of the ancient greek god Hermes." I really doubted there was five pages of interesting info to write about Hermes but I do as i am told. My mother put her hands on her hips and huffed.

"Well that is no fun." I stood up and slid my laptop in my bag.

"I know, trust me. I'm going to head to the library. Be back later." Before she could try and stop me I rushed out the door and down the stairs, then out of our small cottage. The only good thing of living in the country was the veiw, but being the book worm I am, the two mile bike ride to Dublin kills me.


Teca rushed through the ally way and slug herself over the chain link fence. Her heart was pounding in her chest and blood ran down her face from her busted eyebrow. Never in her life had anyone got a good hit in on her. She had been in too many fights to count and she had never shed blood before today. But then again it was five against one, there was bound to be a looser and a winner, or winners.

The five girls chasing her were screaming horrible things in her direction, trying to get her to stumble, or to piss her off but she held her ground. There was no way they were getting another punch in on her, not today. Teca had no clue where she was, the streets of Truro were twists and turns and her mental map was getting mixed up. After several more minutes of running Teca could no longer hear her presuers yelling. Taking this as a good sign, she ducked into an alley to catch her breath. Things had gotten worst since she had be kicked out of the orphanage on to the street. She didnt regret what she did to get kicked out, she just wished she had a place to go and someone to protect her.

The sun was completely down and the air grew chilly around her. Finding shelter was her number one priority at the moment, food was tomorrows feat. She made her way out of the alley and down the street, hoping her only friend threw the years was still there for her.


"Cian Mackel Galligan!" An angry voice hollered down the hall towards Cian. He knew exactly who it was and what had gone wrong. Cians chemistry skills were lacking therefore his partner for the day, Alena, was not happy with him. "I can not believe you! You got us an F. I mean, yea i have made a F before but still! That was the easiest lab ever."

"Ok, Alena, I get it! I'm sorry! Give me a break, you know i hate that class." The anger was not eplaced with remorse like Cian hoped it would, instead she became more angry.

"Well next time ask for help and dont go throwing shit in a flask." Before he could protest she had already stomped away from him. The day had been like any other, classes, home by 12, then off to work. Cian never complained though, he didnt have time to. Between school, a job, and helping his father tend to the farm, Cian did not have time to breath let alone complain.

The small pub that went by the name of Maloes down the street from the school was Cians home away from home, or maybe even just his home. He worked there on the week days from 1 to 10 at night. The owner, Marlene, was his mothers best friend and a lovely older woman. He had know him since he was a toddler and he would do anuthing for her.

"Oh Cian, my love!" Cian glance behind himself and grinned.

"Tia, I'm guessing my good looks are shocking again today, aye?" A small giggle was all it took to melt his heart. Tia was a 5 foot 1 inch elf of a woman, and by woman he meant WOMAN. From her hips to her chest was pure full figured yet she still some how kept slim and lovely.

"Oh, you know it. Are you working again?" She asked, a concerned tint to her voice.

"Only for a little bit." THough it was a lie, it but it would keep her happy.

"Ok, sleep well tonight, see you tomorrow." She waved as she hopped into her car and drove off. Maybe his life wasnt so boring after all.


This chapter is only the first three main characters.

Please tell me you opinion.

picture on the side is Allaster Bender or Al.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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