The Mask

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"I ......." I am waiting for his answer when suddenly, I heard someone calling out for Kyou on the other side of the phone.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"My mom. It's time for dinner."

Then I heard aunt called me too. I lost track of the time.

"Go ahead." I said reluctantly. I want to know what he's talking about.

"I ..... (sigh) I'll call you later, ok?" He said looking at me with a sad expression. I just nodded in reply and hang up the phone.

"Kyou! Did you say something?" I shouted across the neighborhood when I thought he said something as I hang up the phone.

"Nothing!" He shouted back at me and smiled. I nodded again and I went down to the kitchen after placing the phone to where it belongs.

"Good to know you have a friend that we know here." Aunt said as we organize the table.

"Yeah, I thought you'll still be running off somewhere again this time." Uncle said as he take up his seat and grab the bowl of rice aunt hands to him.

"You're a meanie uncle. I do have many friends so that you know." I grab my bowl of rice and starts to eat.

Uncle just laughed it off and we started to eat while talking about mom who was left behind in Yokohama.

As I clean up the table, the phone rings again. But this time it's uncle who answered the phone. He's talking to someone on the phone with a grin on his face.

I helped out aunt washing the dishes. Then I saw uncle still talking to the phone. I wonder how will Kyou call if uncle takes too long talking on the phone?

"Who are you talking to, dear?" Aunt asked.

"Kyouichi, our new neighbor." My eyes widened at the mention of Kyou's name.


"Yeah, I know. I'm just waiting for you to finish your chores. Here, Kyou wants to talk to you, AGAIN." I grabbed the phone and ran upstairs.

"Don't spend too much time on the phone. Their phone bill will cost a much." Uncle shouts in a joking tone. I smiled at how he's acting like a kid sometimes.

"Hello ....?" I whisphered as soon as I entered my room.

"Hotaru? Thank goodness it's you who answered this time. I don't know what to say to your uncle, he's so ......" Kyou pause as he thinks of the best term to describe my uncle.

".... interrogative?" I added then he chuckled.

"Yeah. So, how are you?"

"Wow, thanks for asking. You just talked to me less than an hour ago." I said as I opened my window and face Kyou.

"Y-yeah ...."




"Hotaru, about earlier..."

I just look at him and nodded. He was staring at me.


Another minute of silence. We can only hear the wind blowing the leaves and some cats meowing.

"Kyou? You know, you don't really have to answer me. We just met this morning and I don't expect you to tell me about yourself as soon as possible. Just take your time." I said to him though I really want to know what he meant. But I don't want to pressure him anymore so I'll just set this issue aside for another time.


"Thank you Hotaru." He said after some time.


After changing the topic, we decided to go to the Torii again and spend our time there tomorrow. I also decided to bring the mask tomorrow and leave it there so that the youkai can hold something dear from Gin.

I decided to take a step to move on.


"Good morning Hotaru." Kyou greets me as soon as I walk out of the door.

"'Morning." I replied back as I hold tightly on the small bag I'm holding.

"Let's go?"

We started to walk towards the forest of the mountain god in silence. I reminisce my memory of the past as I look around. And looking at Kyou's back walking in front of me, I miss Gin more and more.

"You're smiling. Remember something?" I didn't notice that he turned around to look at me.

"I am?" I asked because I don't know that I unconsciously smiled.

"Yes you are while hugging that bag." Pointing to the one I'm holding since this morning. I just hugged the bag even more. I didn't answer him.

"Ah! I forgot something! I'm going to get it back. Wait for me on the Tori." Kyou suddenly said then ran away immediately. I just walked towards where Gin always waits for me.

I got the mask out of the bag and stared at it. "You gave this to me. And I thought that you don't want to see me any more. I thought that that well be our last summer. And surprisingly, it is. You are so mean, you know." I smiled yet tears fell from my eyes. I sat there, holding Gin's mask and close my eyes, playing scenes on my mind. But I fell asleep.

The sound of the leaves touching each others. The warm yet refreshing wind that breezes freely. The silence is so calming. But realizing that I am waiting for Kyou, I slowly opened my eyes.

Gin is standing in front of me. He's wearing the mask, looking upwards with butterflies flying around him.

"Gin ...." I uttered slowly standing up and reaching my hand out to him.

"Hotaru. I'm back." He said as he spread his arms for a hug. I immediately stand and draw near him but I stopped before touching him.

"I can't. I won't. I don't want to lose you again." I cried hugging myself but still looking at him. I don't even want to blink thinking he's just my imagination. He slowly removed his mask.


"It's a trade. I begged kami-sama to live again. I don't want to seperate from you anymore." He said as he walk towards me. As he draw nearer and nearer to me, I step back each time. Afraid that I will be the cause of his disappearance this time.

"Come here Hotaru, I can finally touch you." When I didn't move, he's the one who hugged me. I can feel his warmth. He's alive. Realizing it, I also hugs him back. I hug him tight not letting him go.

"I love you Hotaru." Letting me go a bit and looking straight at me.

"I love you too, Gin."

"It's not Gin anymore. My name is Kyouichi now." Kissing my forehead.

"I won't ever disappear now. Even if you punch me, hold me, or touch me." He said with a playful smile. I smiled at what he said. I just hugs him once more.

Hotarubi no Mori e Afterstory (ONCE AGAIN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora