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I woke up with a terrible headache. I looked around, I wasn't in my room. I sat in the bed. I want in my pyjamas, I was in my yesterday's outfit.

My head was pounding. I just wanted to stayed at that comfortable bed. I got out of that room. I couldn't see anything once I was in the hallway, it was full of light, and that marvellous room was dark.

I still couldn't recognize where the heck I was. I went down the stairs and I instantly know where I was. The famous Salvatore boarding house. I walked around to try to figure out why I was here.

And then something caught all my attention, or did I meant Someone. I saw a sleepy Damon, sleeping in the couch.

Aw he looked so damn adorable. His hair was messy and his head was in his shoulder, he had a lot of medicines on top of him, and a paper. I rushed to him and put all the stuff in the ground.

Then I remembered, last night, I told him my head was killing him, he told me to wait in a room , he would get me something. Now that answers why I was in that room. He fall asleep looking for a med. I moved his shoulder.

"Damon" I told him. And then, his Beautiful pale blue eyes opened little by little until they were wide open, and shocked in mine.

"Elena" he got up, he looked around. "Good morning"

"Damon what Am I doing here?" I asked him, confused. Even if I already had my conclusion, I wanted to hear it from him. Only if I mussed something.

"I dont know, why did you wake me up?"

"No, I mean In your house" I told him, he smirked. That smirk.

"You told me last night, You couldn't go home. Do you need a ride?" He offered

"No, I am okay. Do you mind if I stay a while?"

"No, of course not" He looked at the floor full with medicines and stuff, then he wide open his Beautiful eyes. "Oh I found the medicine" he grabbed the little box and handed it to me.

"Oh, thank you"

I looked at him. So pleased, he was so cute. I could kiss him. He treated me so god, he made everything so much better. Then I remembered what happened yesterday, with the four girls, or pets. My eyes wide open by the sudden memory.

"Elena, what's wrong?" He said getting closer, he extended his arm to rub my cheek, but I stopped him. He looked surprised, and confused.

"Don't touch me" oh god here we go with the tears.


"I have to go before you bring another Pet"

"Elena! What is wrong?" He told me.

"Do you think I forgot, that is not easy to forget. You drinking blood, from 5 sluts! How can I not care! Or be sad, I though you were different, I though you loved me, It is not easy, life, just when I know what I feel, destiny punish me, what did I took so long. Why do I have to suffer just for caring and loving, I always get hurt Damon, ALWAYS! "

Tears were in my cheeks, my eyes were puffy. I just realized what I said, I told him I loved him.

He drag me into a hug, and I cried hard in his neck. His arms were surrounding me, I felt so save in his warm embrace, I love him, I wanted him. We stayed like that a little time.

He was moving side to side , to calm me, while his arms were in my back.

I broke apart.

I looked at him, he looked at me. His eyes were so strong, but soft at the same time. I couldn't forget this. I wiped a tear and tried to sound as strong as I could.

"I still need to go"

"I'll ride you ho-"

"No, I'll call somebody" and with that, I turned around and leaved the house.

With my heartbeat pounding as hard as it could



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"In a Heartbeat, No Question" Delena FanficWhere stories live. Discover now