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Soooooo......Hey! I haven't been on here in a hot minute. I said that I was gonna do one of these a week back during the summer but I don't think I've posted since about August so yea. And if I recall it was about some stupid boy who is now my boyfriend so yikes. Some people may say I'm stupid or maybe even a hypocrite depending on who you are but look I don't really give a fuck so hop off whoever you are. Anyways I didn't come back on here to talk about that lol. I came on here to give some sort of status update, not that anyone cares but again I don't give a fuck so. This school year has been hell but I wasn't expecting anything but that so it's fine. Thanksgiving is next week and it's literally the best holiday on this planet, like it's the one thing that makes me happy to be American lol. My entire family except for a few select people are coming up and of course the people that I really want to come aren't going to be there soooo that sucks. My Bestfriend is going to be there and so are my cousins who I grew up with. I know how I just said that I grew up with them but I DONT particularly like them all that much. I mean I love them of course I love them but just because I love them doesn't mean I have to like them. They've always been kind of entitled assholes to my brother and me and if my Bestfriend is reading this she'll know what I'm talking about she's witnessed it first hand. What can you do right it's family. I'm excited nonetheless.

The song that I'm gonna put on here is one that I've been obsessed with like for real it's crazy how much I've listened to this. It's just really chill and nice soooooo give this person some love. Byyeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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