Part 1-B

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It was after this first death that everybody realized how much danger they were in. Considering somebody was suffocated then hung on a noose, Cat and Callista had met a pro investigator and scientist named Kitosu. Kitosu was surprisingly kind for an investigator, in Sean's words.

The Cabin gang owo

Resetti, Bela, Cat, Callista, Gabe, Sean, and Kouper. 

In this preview, Kouper and Bela are away on the volunteer journey for immunity statues.

That night, Cat went for a walk on the beach. She sighed and looked up at the sky. The stars seemed to wink at her.  Suddenly,  she felt a huge weight hit her head.  She grunted and slid to the ground as she heard footsteps running.


"She still isn't back?" Resetti sighed. "I'll go look for her." Callista and Gabe both offered. They ran out the cabin door at the same time. After a few minutes, Gabe stepped in a puddle. It was oddly sticky and smelled. He pulled out his flashlight to see that it was indeed blood. Gabe starte to panic while Callista snatched the flashlight. She shined it at the wall to see a body. She stepped closer for a better look before realizing that it was Cat. She ran up to her to help her. "CAT??" Callista shouted. "Ehh?" Cat groaned. "Are you okay?" The pair asked. "Yeaa, I just got this killer headache but I don't know why.." She huffed. "No wonder! You were attacked! Your head is bleeding really badly!" Callista cried. "Ehh?? That explains a lot." 

After the gang carried Cat to the medic, they pretty much stayed with her all night in case her attacker came back. They pretty much talked about anything while the medic treated Cat's injury. The food bell rang, leaving the group to go get food. "I'll go get you something!" Gabe smiled. "Okay." Cat responded.

As soon as the group was gone, another person came in. This person was one Cat did not recognize. She gave her a wicked grin before pulling out a large hammer.  


Cat, at this point could not see due to her face being covered with blood. She knew enough, to know that this stranger was obviously her attacker. When she lunged at Cat, Cat managed to grab her shirt and rip a bit off. The girl pulled out two knives, and stabbed Cat to the wall with them, by her hands. She was quiet. Until one moment. "Why? Why are you doing this??" Cat cried. "YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!!" The girl screamed. "You.. You're Eri Kimioto, aren't you..?" Cat asked. "IT DOESN'T FUCKIN MATTER!! THIS. ENDS. NOW!!" Eri screamed before burying her last knife in Cat's forehead. Cat's body immediately went still. Eri pulled yet another knife out, and started to cut her corpse open. Blood had splattered everywhere. Eri heard faint talking and quickly made a run for it.

"I'll go give her her meal, hold on." Gabe said. He obviously wasn't prepared for what was behind that door. Upon opening the door, he saw the brutal scene in front of him. He dropped the plate and it shattered on the floor. "Gabe, what's- Oh my god." Callista stuttered. Gabe fell back into her arms sobbing. 

"Hehe~ A body has been discovered! Better investigate and find the killer!!"

Soon, all the students had gathered outside the door to the medic's room. "Damn.. that's messed up.." "Who the hell would do this? She was so nice.." "Ewww!! So much blood!!" "Get out of our way bitchseeds, we've got work to do."  Somebody yelled, while shoving their way through the crowd. Kitosu was following her. The pair eventually entered the room, and begun the investigation. 

At this point, blood completely soaked Cat's face. All that wasn't covered was the mouth and under. Her eyes were still wide open in fear, and her torso had been sliced open. 

- Light strand of hair found

- A heart drawn in blood on the wall

-Black piece of fabric found clutched in Cat's hand


"Let the trial to find the killer of Cat Nakamura begin!"

"Wait what?? Cat was the victim?? Why didn't anybody tell me??" Bela whined. 

"Oh.. well, I guess I never got to tell her how much I cared about her.." Kouper murmured. 

"I said, LET THE TRIAL START!" Nezuchi shouted.

Kitosu started to talk about the evidence she discovered with Nemari backing her up on every claim. Everything was going well until Kitosu announced who she thought was the killer.

"The person who murdered Nakamura-chii has to be Kimioto Eri!" Kitosu announced. 

"Eri didn't do it!" Mei shouted. 

"That doesn't line up with the evidence we found, asshat! So you're fuckin wrong!" Nemari shouted. At this point, everybody was silent. 

Suddenly, one person started to giggle. This giggle turned into a manaicial laughing fit. People turned to look at Eri. 

"You REALLY think it was ME? WELL YOU'RE NOT WRONG!"

"YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!" Sean shouted.

"Why would you do that to Cat? What did she do to you that caused you to kill her so brutally?" Callista cried.

"It's quite simple, really. She took him away, so she needed to die. Ohhh my, it was SO SATISFYING to cut her open! Having her blood in my hands felt soooo good!! I may be punished for being caught, but I will never regret killing that little backstabber bitch!! Seeing her corpse pinned to the wall, must have triggered this side in me!!" Eri giggled. 

"Nezuchi, start the execution before I execute her myself." Sean and Kouper stated simutaneously. "on it~" Nezuchi chimed. 



Eri was strapped into a chair. She seemed to glance around the room nervously before the execution officially began. The chair was suddenly grabbed by a child three times the size of Eri. The child started to giggle before twisting Eri's body like a doll, but then twisted her neck around. Eri was now dead. "useless dolly!!" The child said before tossing Eri to the ground and stepping on her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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