Ch. 3 - Characosta

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Also this is from my other book I had actually discontinued but ya know uwu;;

I love you guys! 💗


Chase sat up and looked around at her sudden change of scenery. She afterwards looked at her hands front and back.

The landscaping of the world around her, previously being the living room couch, had become a magnificent forest filled with life.

It was almost like a story book the area was, or better known as a Switzerland forestry site. Only difference was that she wasn't anywhere near Switzerland.

The brightness of the sun hurt her eyes as she sat up. The rays of the said star seemed to gleam the same as it did the day at the park, which felt absolutely amazing for Chase.

The only problem was the pounding on the Earth's crust from a incoming beast. The long haired brunette girl whipped her head around to get a view of the beast ramming towards her as she stumbled her body around to face it. The shadow of the large monster was absolutely huge, and it was under the shade of the trees!

Or so she thought.

What she found herself coming across was a mortifying...


A humongous Tyrannosaurus Rex was barreling down trees and stampeding in her direction

'Maybe if I hide I'll be okay-' She thought obviously in a large panic from the sight of the supposedly extinct animal. She was quickly cut off as the evil eyed T. Rex boomed a loud roar from deep within its throat. Chase began to flee and dumbly forgot everything about if she were to stay still it would ignore her. She ran for quiet a while until she began to give in to fatigue. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get away. The T. Rex obviously saw her as prey causing the loud stomps of it's feet to give a warning to other better choices of meat that they needed to hide immediately.

Just as she began to give into her nightmare, a sharp gleam of light flew out from the covers of the tree and sliced the monstrosity of a predator's neck for a clean kill.


Kind of clean

The blood still seeped from the wound to an extent that Chase's own blood drained from her face.

'Holy shit' Chase thought with even more of a panic. Whatever had the power to kill such a beast was able to cause her even worse harm. Those only able to handle such a fine sword with thumbs would be the Homo sapiens. Humans.

Her thoughts were once again interrupted as the now dead and supposedly prehistoric animal fell and crashed into the green grass below it. A shadowed figure hopped off of the corpse and stepped into the light to reveal a boy slight older than her, from her guessed.

Chase looked at him in fear, curiosity, as well as awe as the man sheathed his thin long sword into its holder resting at his side.

"Are you alright Ma'am?" (Lmao, I almost had it say " ARE YOU ALRIGHT MA'AM?" By accident and now I can't stop laughing please send help) The tan boy asked quickly. His physical features included messy dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, and the said slightly tan skin. While his clothes had some kind of long jacket that was left flying behind him with a sash on his right side doing the same as the jacket sides, inside he had a white baseball tee with a black rimming, matched with black pants and some black combat boots.

Chase noticed she had been looking him over and blushed. She quickly rose to her feet and waved her hands in front of her with her elbows at her side. "O-oh yes yes I'm fine now that you so much Mr..." she waited for a name.

"Dillon" He responded with a straight face, as if he saw the situation as boring! He took a few steps forward and bent down to examine the foot she had had previously trip on to make her fall to the ground. "Although, that doesn't exactly look painless" he said as he pointed at the limb.

"O-oh e-erm it's n-not but I-I think I'll be-" He shut her up by closing his hand in a mouth mimicking motion as a way of saying "shut up"
and stood up to continue to where he came from.

"Come with me back to my base, I should have you get that checked up on and healed because pain is not fun." He said wrapping her right arm over his shoulder to help her walk before giving up and just flat out carrying her on his back.

"UWAH-" Chase exclaimed as Dillon began to walk in the direction he apparently had come from "So what's a little girl like you doing out in the middle of the most dangerous part of the dinosaur field?" Dillon asked with a straight face.


"Hey! I'll have you know I'm not little thank you very much!" She responded with a pouting face. She crossed her arms over her chest before immediately wrapped her arms back around his neck for balance. Dillon laughed at her comment and continued walking while scanning the area as they went. "But seriously, how the hell did you end up there without taking a motorbike to get there? The IPF knows about everyone they send out along with the statuses of their missions. They most certainly didn't send a normal islander into the main danger zone where we had off limits for a large group scavenge today." Dillon asked as he narrowed his eyes at the end.

Chase laughed nervously as she scratched the back of her neck. 'Think Chase think...' She panicked in the confines of her mind till a thought hit her in the head 'if a T-Rex was here then there's got to be others too!"

"In all honesty I have no idea, my only guess was I was dropped from the sky by a pterodactyl or something" Chase was celebrating her successful lie on the inside like it was a party, until she saw Dillon's reaction.

He raised an eyebrow and looked back at the girl for a split second "how unusual for such to happen, as everyone around here knows that they don't eat living humans very often as well as never go near the middle of the field as they aren't even classified as dinosaurs." 'Bingo' Dillon thought as he noticed her obvious mistake

While inside Chase was now screaming even more than usual 'Sugar Honey Iced Tea!'

"They aren't?!..." Chase mumbled under her breath much more louder than she needed and intended to make it. Dillon immediately knew she wasn't from here but decided to let it go and ignore it for now.



The two finally reached the base which was seeable from far away, and damn was it huge!
It was a black pyramid that had many technical looking patterns and designs on and across the surface, from how it looked outside. Those patterns glowed a bright green which immediately reminded Chase of Voltron.

"What's a 'Galra?'" Dillan cocked his head to the side a bit which send Chase into a panic again.

"I-It's this show I watch eheheh." She said nervously as she continued to scream inside over her mistake of accidentally talking her thoughts.

He finally set the brunette down. Chase looked up and around before she was hit in the forehead with a rock

A fvcking rock

"Ow!" She yelped as she looked up at the gate beside them.

"Who goes there!"


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