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Welcome to September. Here's a short author's note before we begin, since there's some things that might need explaining.

First of all, for those of you that neglected to read the description, here's what the book is about!

Liam, head physicist at Everest Incorportated, will do anything to secure his spot as the company's next CEO... Except his lead engineer can't seem to get the 'future-Nobel-prize-winning' experiment that he designed working properly. Well, if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself. That's Liam's motto, after all.

... Maybe he should have stuck to physics. Oh well, at least bagel girl is there to protect him from the alien invaders he attracted.


It's the night of August 31st and Maxine Ferez is gearing up to help out with the biggest day of her sister's baking career, a catering gig at one of the biggest tech companies in the world... Until she wakes up on October 1st in clothes that aren't hers with no recollection of the past month. Apparently, she's slept through an alien invasion, and the human race has been overthrown by a species that has a nasty tendency of enslaving those who don't obey.

Missing an entire month of her memory, Max and... Some random guy she met in a jail cell who shares her memory loss, set out to find the answer to one simple question....

What the hell happened in September?

If you haven't guessed, this book has two main characters. It's technically made up of two stories - Liam's story, which happens in the past, and Maxine's story, which happens in the present. This book will be written in alternating first person POV. The first chapter will be about Max, then the second chapter will be about Liam, then we go back to Max, etc. I will be uploading chapters in batches of two, so you'll get an update to both stories with each release.

This may seem confusing at first, but it's actually very important to the story, as you'll see later on. And don't worry, it'll tell you at the beginning of the chapter who's POV you're reading from.

Secondly, this book is rated PG-14 for mild coarse language and vividly described violence and gore. I'm talking very graphic, here. If you're squeamish, there may be parts you want to skip over. There are NO sexual scenes (though there may be some minor crude humor). There will likely be some references to drinking and alcohol.

I think that's it for warnings.

One last thing:

If you like the story, PLEASE vote and comment. I couldn't care less about the numbers or popularity, but I'd really like to know that people are reading my work. It's super discouraging when you think that no one's acknowledging something you put tons of time and effort into. If you like it, please say so! I love to hear what people think!

Alright, that's everything. Turn the page to read the real story!

(And yes, to anyone who's going to comment on it... The title was inspired by The Living Tombstone's 'September'. The story is not, though - I always had plans for Maxine to lose a month of her memory. I just didn't choose the month of September until I realize that the song actually fits the story very well...

I can't remember what happened in September
When every[body] died, trails of blood during my stride
I just discovered that [humans] were defeated
By something very strong, it seems very weird and wrong, like it just doesn't belong
Like it came out of this world...

Ain't it just the perfect song for an alien invasion novel?)

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