Heist Trailer

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We open at a museum in the city of Vale, with the Alarms Blaring. The guards scramble to the section of the museum containing the Lupin Collection, and find almost all of it missing....and everything else covered in ice. Above, a pair of red eyes look down curiously before muttering to themselves.
"Is it really possible...?" One of the guards looks up and nearly spots them, but they retreat into the shadows just in time. They decide that they've done enough "scouting" for the night and head home with no one being the wiser.
A window opens and through it steps a thin young man, no older than 15, with blonde hair and red eyes. He looks at his mirror. He looks like a wreck. His hair is disheveled, he's rather pale, and his eyes are bloodshot due to stress. A moment later, there is a knock at his door. "Come in." He responds.
Outside the door stood a deceptively average man with balding silver hair. "Master Lupin, I apologize for bothering you at such a late hour.. " He then got a proper look at the newly named Lupin. "Sir, are you alright? You look positively horrid."
"I'm OK, Kogure. It's just stress."
Kogure has skeptical, but decided to not question it. He knew his master tended to leave late at night and not return until the crack of dawn, but he was back eerily early. "Alright. As I was saying, I'm sorry to bother you, but you must see this." It was Lupin's turn to be confused. What was so important that Kogure would bother him the second he got back? He followed the older man as they went downstairs to the foyer, and lower still to the basement. It was then that Lupin saw it. The entire basement area was frozen solid. He was suprised to say the least.
"I....I need to go to bed...."
Kogure nodded as the teen went back to his room. He looked toward a small alcove that contained a bookshelf. The shelf, like everything else, was frozen. But while everything else was undisturbed, the shelf looked like it was pryed open, revealing a tunnel that went below the estate. It was also the only way for one to see the true Lupin Collection. And if Kogure was correct, then while Lupin was gone, someone had broken in and stolen almost everything. He smiled to himself somewhat. He knew where the remaining pieces were headed. He openly hoped that those that would receive them could help his master retrieve every other piece. "Isn't that right, Monsieur Arsène..?" He looked over at a frozen picture nearby melancholicly. In it was a man who resembled an older version of his current master holding a baby. Below it were the words "Arsène and Raphael".

A/N: Feedback is appreciated. Also, please spread the word if you like this.

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