#1: The Package

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A/N: And so I now have an idea as to where this story will go. Yay. One more thing. Pairings have been decided in advance. (Namely Raphael X Blake)
Lupinranger VS Patranger is property of Toei and Ishinomori Productions. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum. All I own is the OC and this story.

Gangler Mansion, Back World
"And so, by stealing the Lupin Collection, I name Zamigo Delma my successor!" These words came from what appeared to be an incredibly old Gangler dressed in red, covered in chains, and with a golden safe in his chest. His name was Dogranio Yaboon, and he was now the former leader of the Interdimensional Crime Syndicate Gangler.  The Gangler he had just named his successor to the Gangler was a man resembling a cowboy named Zamigo Delma. Everyone except the former boss noticed the temperature in the room drop a few degrees when Zamigo smirked.  "It's an honor, boss." Dogranio chuckled. "Remeber, you're the boss now Zamigo. I'll stick around for a bit though." Zamigo was resistant to the idea of becoming the boss, but Dogranio insisted. He smiled evily. "This is going to be fun."

Island of Patch, Remnant
Ruby was looking at the package. It had been here for about a week, but she still hadn't opened it. Sure, she had been accepted to Beacon by Ozpin himself, but she wasn't expecting any packages that night. Even stranger was the fact that it had no return address. From what she heard on the news, someone had broken in to the Museum of Vale and stolen almost everything from a specific exhibit, and she had a feeling this package had something to do with that. Going against all her instincts to not open it, she did. Inside was a white gun with a handle on the back and a small dark red plane. "What the...?" Ruby was confused. She reached in and grabbed the 2 objects. The gun looked relatively normal, besides the handle. The plane, on the other hand, resembled a biplane with a scythe on the back as well as a dial on top. The dial was the strangest part, as it resembled a rose. Yang also got a package, but it hadn't been touched. Ruby wondered just what in the world was going on.

For all of Blake Belladonna's life, she had only encountered packages with no return address twice before. Both times they were from somewhere in Vale, and both times, they were gifts. She opened the package. Inside was a white gun, a small black jet, and a letter. Blake decided to read the letter first. The handwriting was in cursive, but still distinct enough she knew who sent it.
Hey Blake. It's Raphael. Sorry for not keeping in contact for 4 years. I'm afraid personal matters I'd rather not discuss prevented so. Recently, due to events beyond my control, some things that belonged to my family have been stolen. I would like your help to retrieve them. I'll be at Beacon. I'll tell you more there. Sincerely, Raphael.
Blake was confused. If Raphael of all people was asking for help, it must be serious. She grabbed the black jet first. It was relatively normal looking, minus the safe dial on top, which had...cat...ears. Blake sighed. Raphael was being Raphael. She turned the dial a bit and the front hinged down, revealing a camera. Blake placed the plane on a table, before tapping the dial. All of a sudden, a video began to play. Raphael was standing in what Blake assumed to be his room. The blonde began to speak.
"Well Blake, if you're hearing this, congrats! My package has reached you. Now, before you ask, I was going to send a package anyways. But Kogure insisted I write you a letter. So yeah. Just so we're clear, I've been planning to visit for a while now, but life got in the way. I'm assuming you're going to Beacon, right? Well, if you are, I'll see you there!" He smiled and waved goodbye. With that, the video ended. Blake smiled. He was as energetic as always. She decided to start packing. She would be heading to Beacon soon, and hopefully meeting an old friend. This year was going to be fun. She took one last look inside the box. Besides the white gun, there was a small black and grey card. On it was a logo of a top hat with a V enclosed inside of it. She recognized the logo. It belong to the Lupin Family. She flipped it over. On it was the phrase:
A gift from me to you.

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