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After we unpacked I decided to head out and familiarize myself with the place. I've never been outside the United States so being in this atmosphere feels so foreign to me. Everything here is just so different. The people, the buildings...even the sky looks different here.

I was walking towards the tea farm and I noticed that I was attracting a lot of attention and I could feel the eyes burning holes at the back of my neck.

"Rose honey" Theo's mum called from a few feet ahead of me. I rushed towards her to prevent her from having to walk all the way to me.

"Hello Mrs Trainer-i mean mum. That's gonna take some getting used to" I laughed nervously

"Oh don't think about it too much. I'm very chilled, as the kids say."

Oh Lord.

"Okay..." I laughed again.

"How are you liking the place so far?"

"Well I love it. It's just... I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I feel people are looking at me quite a lot."

"Oh...well it's not very often that a person of...your nature comes around to these parts"

"You mean black"

"If I'm to be blunt, yes. But don't mind them. I think you're extremely beautiful. Far more beautiful than any girl I've seen Theo around."

That warms my heart. Nothing but a compliment from your boss's mother to lift up your spirits.

"I hope you know that Theo and I are-"

"Just friends? Of course. But you can't blame me for hoping that this friendship will blossom. I need to see him with a woman that he can settle down with before my last days. Someone to bring him to his senses and put him on the right path"

"Well, I can't be that girl"

"Why do you underestimate yourself?" She said as we started to walk.

"Well, we're two different people" I said, suddenly realising that I might just reveal more than she's supposed to know.

"Different how?"

"Just... different". I ended there because any slip ups can turn this conversation into all different kinds of awkward and that's not what I want. Especially not right now. I want to enjoy my mini vacation and forget the broke life I left back home.

We walked around for a bit and she showed me around. She even introduced me to some people and one man in particular stood out for me. He was tall and had this sort of dirty but sexy look about him. He was helping out on the farm so I guess the partially dirty part is expected.

I met him when Theo's mum was talking me through how some of the old equipment works and she left me alone with him so that he can show me. His name was Lucas and he was French. Well, his mother was french and he was here visiting his dad.

"So Rose, em... You know Theodore, yes?" He said in his broken accent as we walked towards the house. Wow I thought the romance novels lied about French accents being sexy but damn.

"Oh yeah. We're friends"

"Just friends? He brings you here to meet his family, did he not? It's not just a friendship then"

"Trust me, he's not my type".

We finally got to the house but he sat on a bench on the side so I followed after him.

" So how long is your stay?"

"We have a couple of days. We'll probably leave on Monday or Tuesday. It depends on Theo"

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