Chapter 6

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BamBam and Yugyeom carefully made their way down the emergency fire exit. "Watch your st-" The younger didn't have a chance to warn the other before BamBam tripped on the last step. Yugyeom's arms went out on instinct and caught the older's smaller figure. "-ep. Good job." "You could have said something earlier!" BamBam snapped back, still cradled in Yugyeom's arms. "I would have if I wasn't holding so many bags!" The younger made a show of the bags holding his clothes and their textbooks as he descended from the last step as well as managing to push the fire escape to its original position. "It's not my fault you insisted on holding everythi-"BamBam was cut off by Yugyeom pulling him back into the alley.

Before the older could make another witty reply he looked up to see Yugyeom holding his finger to his lips signaling for him to be quiet. BamBam whipped his head to look out into the direction of the street. "I thought he said an hour." He whispered under his breath. "Better get going before he sees us leaving." The taller male tugged at BamBam's sleeve as he was already a few steps ahead. "Hey slow down a bit!" The older squeaked as he was dragged in the direction of his house. "If you want me to get caught, I'd absolutely love to slow down." Yugyeom huffed.


"Maybe I shouldn't be too mad at Kei and be glad she asked Jinyoung to be her partner for history. Normally she'd ask Mark to be her partner so they can get it over with in a day." Jackson sighed. "Did you say something Jackson?" Mark asked. The shorter male let out a quiet squeak. "Huh? Did I?" He melted a little bit on the inside hearing Mark say his name in that deep se- He shook his head. "What the hell was I just thinking?" "I'm not sure, I'm not you." Mark laughed. "Oh that melodious laugh of his could melt his ice cream on a cold winter day." The shorter thought to himself as he walked without paying attention to where he was going. In fact he didn't even know where he was until he walked right into Mark's back. He let out a little "Oof."

"You alright there Jackson? You seem really spaced out." The taller male looked concerned. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about all the assignments and projects that are due you know?" He let out a nervous laugh trying to sound convincing. "You know, there's this thing I do to relieve some stress. Want to try it out?" Mark continued to walk, making sure to walk at the same pace as the shorter male. "Depends what it is." Jackson hummed. "I'll show you." The taller male tugged on Jackson's sleeve in a demanding manner towards his house.

"Woah this is really all yours?" Yugyeom looked around the house in awe. There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms. BamBam only occupied one of the rooms along with a bathroom, the other rooms were empty while his parent's room was blocked off. "Kinda yeah I guess." The older kicked his shoes off to the side and hauled the bag of food into the kitchen. The younger quickly pulled off his shoes and followed BamBam into the kitchen. His eyes lit up. "This kitchen is so beautiful and so modern, how do you not cook?" Yugyeom ran his hand across the knobs of the stove top. "I've never really bothered trying to learn after my parents..." The older shrugged as he organized all of the stolen food into his fridge. "Anyways, my house if your house." BamBam shut the doors. "I'll show you to your room."

"The drawers and closet should be empty, if you find anything you can just leave it on the table in the hallway. I'll leave you to settle in." Yugyeom watched as the older walked a few feet to the door next to his own. The house seemed as if there were a filter over it, almost greying adding to the sad, cold atmosphere in the house. It made him a little sad thinking about how BamBam's mood fell as soon as they set foot into the house. 

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HAHAHA I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN ANOTHER TWO YEARS. Honestly I'm not really into GOT7 anymore and I'm absolute NCT trash but don't worry I'll power through and try to finish this before 2019 is over!! I know I said I'd post another chapter after the last one like in the next month (i didn't lol) and I'm very very very sorry to the readers here from the start ; ; I've been instead trying to pursue youtube (which honestly isn't going very well either lmao) anyways see you in the next update loves (: 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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