The Final story .

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Chiamaka was sweeping the next morning when the twin suddenly appeared in front of her.

"We need the shoe you wore last night."They said.

"But it's one of my mothers most valued things before she died."Chiamaka defended.

"Just borrow us, we will give it back later. We just want to check something."They said and although she was suspicious,she gave them the shoe to avoid any beatings or problem.

It wasn't until later did she realized she had made a grave mistake.

Turns out the prince had sent out a message round the kingdom that anyone that was able to produce Chiamaka will be given a reward of 20 million.

Lots of people started turning up at the palace with their so called Chiamaka but none of them were able to produce the exact copy of the other leg of the shoe because it was ancient.

Since Chiamaka's stepmother had the other pair of the shoe which she collected from her children,she decided to play her game wisely and went to an herbalist.

"What do you say you are here for."he asked her,his face old and saggy with chalk painted over it and coral beads on his neck.

She explained her plight and told him what she wanted him to do.
After a few hours, the herbalist gave her a powder and told her that she should give the daughter to swallow it and whatever she says shall be what the prince will believe.

Chiamaka watched sadly in silence as her stepmother and stepsisters left home the next day to deceive the prince.

Determined on not letting the prince fall a victim of her stepmother,she ran to the palace and luckily for her.she ran into the prince.

She told the prince all what has happened but his reply left her flabbergasted and she realized that all that glitters might not be gold but the prince likes it because it shines.

"What!!!Not you too, you look too innocent to be lying. How could I have danced with you. The person I danced with was a classy girl not a maid who wears rags as clothes and some tattered scarf. "he said looking at her appearance.

Dejectedly, she left the palace and went straight to her mother's grave where she cried herself to sleep.

Adaeze smiled smugly as she walked to the prince and told him she was the one,the prince hugged her happily.

"I have found her!!"he screamed happily and sent everyone away from the palace.

The marriage date was planned on that same day but it was held a week later. Prince emeka and Adeze's wedding was a success,
they moved abroad and lived happily ever after.

Chiamaka continued to be a maid in her own house and although she was sad because she could have been the one married to the prince if she hadn't been scared of her stepmother's wrath but still that hope never left her heart and she still remained as kind as ever.

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