A Cold Evening

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It was very cold now a days now it's getting to December of course it would get colder.It had started to snow last week. Because of teletubbies soft fur coat they didn't need to have any winter wear.

(19th of November( tinky winkys pv)

I was looking out the window.It was snowing, tho I didn't want to go outside, Laa Laa encouraged me to go out and play with her.So I did.She suggested we make a snowman I complied."sure!"I said with excitement!

(5mins later)

After we finished our snowman Laa Laa named him 5.Well I know it's a pretty weird name but I dont want to upset her so I told her it's a good name.She smiled at me.I think she likes it."Hay!"yelled someone from behind.We both turned around and saw dipsy and po
running tords us."What's that?"po said with a puzzled expression."It's a snowman!"Laa Laa said with enthusiasm."you made this?Its so big!"po said with a surprise look.Laa Laa giggled I just smiled and said "yup".

(That night)

Everyone was asleep except me.I couldn't sleep, no matter how mush I tried I couldn't sleep.

The next morning I was the first one awake.Dipsy asked why I was up so early I just answered "I'm fine just decided to be an early bird today"Dipsy gave a concerned expression."no really I'm fine I swear!"He sighed "alright, If you have any problems I'm here for you."

Walks of...

Word count 253

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