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carter's pov

"watch it!" taber said as he pushed me out of his way. he always does this. i wish i knew why, but he doesn't open up to anybody outside his posse.

i picked up my things and met up with my only friend, justin. me and him met when we were 5 and the rest is history.

"yo carts!" he shouted from the other side of the hallway. he was always crazy and outgoing, while i was more quiet and introverted. i was the kid who sits in the very back of classrooms and keeps to himself.

"hey, justin," i greeted him.

we began to walk to math as he told me about some girl named mya he took a liking to. i pretended to listen when i was really thinking about taber.

i've always been worried about him. he always bullied me, i know. but i met him a little while after i met justin.

me and taber met when i was 8 and he was 9, we're a few months apart, he was nice to me and was my friend for a bit. me, taber and justin were the best of friends for 3 years.

but then, taber started hanging around with the "populars". and they made him pick between us and them. and he, obviously, picked them.

i was devastated, i still am. i lost my best friend to the exact girl and her friends that justin is talking about right this second.

little did i know, as i was thinking i stopped walking and just stared at the wall.
"hey," justin said, his hand waving in front of me. "hey!" he said a bit louder, knocking me out of my weird trance.

"y-yeah?" i asked. "you alright, dude?" he asked in a concerned tone. "yeah, i'm fine," i said walking through the white stained door frame.


soon, it was lunch time. i hated this time of the school day. at this time taber and his "friends" decide to make fun of me and sometimes pick fights with me. which i, of course, always lose.

i just grabbed a water and walked over to me and justin's table.

"hey," he said. "hi," i said quietly. just then i felt my phone vibrate in the back of my pocket.

i pulled out my iphone 7 plus, and unlocked it. i didn't have that many notifications, as usual, but i had a tell on my tellonym.

"hey, you look cute today 👌😏" the message read.

i blushes bright red, and justin seemed to notice. "ooo, does someone have a boyfriend!?" he asked loudly.

in a panic, i swiped my hand over his mouth and held it there. "shh," i said. "you know what they will do to me if they found out!" i scolded him.

"do you understand?" i asked slowly.
he nodded and i let go of his large mouth.

he viciously wiped at his lips, going on about how disgusting it is for me to do that and how i will give him a disease.

i rolled my eyes at the dirty blonde boy and responded to the message.

"thanks? who are you?"

i then checked my instagram notifications, and soon the bell rang for our next class.


hi! so, this is written by mikey! and i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. don't forget to read our other caber books on our account! :-)

you have a message! - (c.s + t.l)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant