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Dear Chace,

I am sitting outside the school, in the woods where we used to lay down and talk about everything and nothing. I am sitting here and writing this letter to you. I know that i will never send it, any of it, but it feels good just writing to you. It makes me feel close to you even though we are so far apart.

I saw you with her today again. You weren't kissing her this time but you were holding hands with her. It broke me apart from the inside but I didn't say anything as I walked past you. But it hurt. So freaking much.

Look how time has brought us apart. We used to think that we were going to be together forever. We used to talk about our life after high school. We used to talk about marriage. We used to discuss what we would name our babies.

I miss you. I miss your stupid smile. I miss your carefree laughter. I miss your brown unruly curls. I miss your silly talks. I miss you.

Even though it's crystal clear that you moved on and you don't love me anymore, I still love you.

Always have, Always will.

Yours - V.

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