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Dear Chace,

I cannot believe I said all those mean things to you after we broke up. When you announced to the entire class yesterday that you weren't going to attend the school anymore because you had cancer, my guess was proved to be true and I cannot express in words just how sad I am. The way you looked at me through your entire speech made me sadder. Did you leave me because of that, Chace? 

But what about that other girl that you were dating? I'm so damn confused and it isn't helping the situation at all. 

I don't think I cried so much so much, ever. Not even when we broke up. My eyes are swollen up and I look a bit funny but I just can't stop crying. I love you so much Chace and I'm scared that no matter how much I say it, it's still going to be less and I feel like I don't have enough time to show just how much I really love you.

Although I saw it coming, it still hurts.

Yours - V.

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