Chapter 1: Escaping The Streets and Pennywise finds you

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Everything was a blur.

you were alone, on the streets.

you were cold, like there was nothing to warm you but the torn up clothes on your back.

your parents left you behind in this town called Derry, you witnessed the deaths of many people, the bad things that happen here, but you didn't know what it was that was killing everyone off.

as you were trying to find somewhere to go, you were stopped, being covered by a bag over your head, kicking and screaming, trying to get out of the very bad situation you were bound to be in if you didn't act quickly. your Weak little arms,behind your back and you continued to kick. then you felt yourself hit a cold surface.

You heard a scream of pain from outside the bag and then it was quiet, you were alone again.

Breathing heavily, you removed the bag from your head and quickly ran as far as your weak legs could take you. you stopped at the sewer pipe near the river, in the forest you were in, and sat there for a second.

Then you went in, as it started pouring, looking for a place to hide. you found a hole in the wall, with childrens clothing in it and a music box. without any thought about it you went in there. sitting in the corner, hugging at your knees, tears running down your face. Few minutes later, you had fallen asleep,still cold,but wet and afraid of what will happen to you.

Pennywise's POV

"Oho! What a delight! Georgie's boat! maybe I should 'Give it back'" I watched as Little Georgie came up to the sewer and looked in for his boat. "Bill's gonna kill me...." 'oh Georgie, bill won't kill you, but I know what will' I giggled quietly to my humor and jumped up, to look at his fleshy little face. "Hiya Georgie..." He didn't reply "what a nice boat.... you look like a nice little boy, do you have any friends?"

"yeah but my brothers my bestest"

"where's he?"

"he's sick, in bed"

"I bet I could cheer him up" I gave him my best smile, then he asked a question. He told me he had to go so I brought up his boat again

"W-Without your boat?..."

He hesitated for a second to grab his boat then he reached in, I pulled it back so he had to reach farther. 'that's it, go on, take i-t....' then there goes his arm, All Mine! but his fear is the best part,I watched as he tried to crawl away 'Oh no ya' don't' I pulled him by his leg into the sewers with me. his screams filling the sewers, then with one bite, it was quiet.

As I finished my first meal, smelt the fear of another child, but it wasn't by me, it was from something else.A child found its way here, scared of something, someone. I went towards the fear and found a little girl in my sleep space, asleep, but I could still sense her fear. I would have eaten her but, she looked homeless, not like Georgie, she was alone. Her (H/L) (H/C) covered her face, and she was hugging her knees. I saw her wake up, her (E/c) eyes red from crying, I think it was. Before she looked at me I hid, knowing I was covered in blood from my first meal, I heard her move more into the corner she was in. "poor little girl..." I said so she couldn't hear me, with that, I was off, nowhere to be seen by her. till the next day comes and I'm not covered in blood, I don't want her scared any worse, I will come back.

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