November 19th, 2066

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It occurred to me, while sitting in this helicopter, that I haven't been able to stay in one place for very long since this all started. I've never had a home save the one I left back in the United States. I've also not had a sense that any place I found myself sleeping was a permanent solution. Each time I placed my head on a new pillow, something in my brain told me that it wasn't a pillow I'd be resting upon for very long. Soon, I'd find myself asleep somewhere else.

As we move toward Sanctum (which, it turns out, is on an island near New Zealand), I find myself thinking the same thoughts I always have when approaching another makeshift home: this is temporary. And it is--even Sanctum, the supposed safe-haven for imperfects like me--is just a pitstop during my real journey: the one to find Sara McKenzie.

The helicopter is on the verge of landing and I've been told to put away my journal. I'll be allowed to write in it again once I've been given rules, directions, and a brief tour. I'll probably want to sleep after all of that--I'm already exhausted from the flight... and from Jess. Yes, Jess is coming with me to Sanctum. She told me that she had her own talk with the general, who agreed to let her go with me. I'm... not sure what it is that she did to persuade General Sirotek, but I don't want to ask. Right now, I'm just hoping that we don't end up as bunk mates.

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