Chapter 15 - Make No Regrets

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"Yes babe?"

"Why in the heck did you spout nonsense to the press?"

"Nonsense? I'm hurt. I was doing my very best to be sincere, you know."

"Don't you dare talk about sincerity with me when we both know you're just doing this for a paycheck!"

"Babe, calm down."

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! How am I supposed to calm down when I freakin' told you that I didn't wanna be part of your shenanigans and yet you still made a freakin' move?!"

"In my defense, I was going to tell you that I'd be making my confession on the day of the interview but you weren't answering any of my messages. So technically, it's not my fault you didn't know."

I threw my phone to the couch and groaned in frustration, covering my face with my hands. I could hear faint noises outside, probably fans and paparazzi waiting outside the agency, eagerly wanting to know my response to Hannibal's disgusting confession. Damn that guy.

"Okay, so things look a little bad right now. But look on the bright side! This might mean that we really should team up with Hannibal! Look at the overwhelming response!" I rolled my eyes at Paul's statement as he entered the room, seemingly unperturbed. It was a stark contrast to the sound of his voice when he called me. He was probably worried that Hannibal was gonna say something bad about me—which he definitely could've done. AND WHICH I DEFINITELY WOULD HAVE PREFERRED.

"No. We are not going to team up with Hannibal. Have you seen his history? It's even darker than his own eyeliner collection. No, Gigi, I suggest we refrain from making any hasty moves and just refuse to speak about the matter." Meredith sat in front of me with her legs crossed, giving Paul the side-eye.

He sat next to her and crossed his arms. "Shut up, Meredith. You don't know anything. This is worth millions, Gigi! Think about all the endorsements and the publicity we could gain. If we just allow this opportunity to pass by, we might never get another one again!"

"Opportunities? Excuse me, but Gigi Vloski has plenty of opportunities lined up for her in the future. All she needs to do is maintain a clear image that does not involve playboys chasing her for money. Besides, she's too busy getting into shape, right Gi—"

Paul cut her off. "Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!" Meredith snapped.

"I'm her brother!"

"And I'm her manager!"

"And I get to say the last word, because I'm Gigi Vloski! So both of you, shut up!" I shouted. I'm seriously tired of this.

"Where are you going?" Paul asked as he watched me pack my stuff up. "We still have a recording session, Gigi."

"Gigi, we'll get behind time if you don't record now. Put your stuff back." Meredith said.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door. I glared at them. "No. You know what? I don't have the energy to deal with Hannibal, and I don't have the energy to deal with both of you. So forgive me if I can't fulfill your greed today, but I'm going home."

I slammed the door.


"Gimelle, you're home early!" I lit up at the sound of my dad's voice, seeing him lying on the couch again. He had a towel on his forehead and he was wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. It was like seeing Chipotle in the Sahara Desert.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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