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Drake Nash- Brown Hair, Gray Eyes, 6'4, 15 years old- Golden 'good boy', great at school, really kind to people, likes everything and doesn't mind people.

Blake Nash- Black Hair, Stormy Blue eyes, 6'6, 17 years old- 'Bad boy', good at school but hides it, hates everyone and everything, doesn't like people clinging to him.

Makai Miles- Dark Brown hair, Hazel eyes, 5'5, 16 years old- Quiet, keeps to self a lot, kind to people who are kind back, typical 'good girl' or 'nerd', great at school.

Ashton Miles- Brown/Blonde hair, Green eyes, 5'10, 17 years old- Loud, gets in trouble a lot and detentions are an everyday thing, kind to only his sister and friends, good at school but wants to drop out.

Samuel Evens- Curly Blonde hair, Golden  eyes, 6'8, 16 years old- 'Bad boy', typical street smarts kid, gets in fights a lot, doesn't mind people, hates school, gets good grades just so he can leave the hell of a school.

Dex Matthews- Dyed Black/Green hair, Black/Gray eyes, 6'0, 16 years old- Get's annoyed easily, hates when people are always bugging him, likes Makai a lot, doesn't mind helping only Makai with her work and schedule, can be very rude.

Amethyst Briar- Curly Red hair, Gray eyes, 5'3, 17 years old- Annoying, clingy, loves to hug the 'bad boys' or what she thinks are 'bad boys', has a way to high pitched voice, likes to fan-girl, hates being ignored.

Aqua Haven- Dyed Purple hair, Gray/Gold eyes, 6'0, 18 years old- Nice to certain people, was born and raised in the same house, got married a month after her birthday, lives with her husband and brother (Samuel), doesn't mind people, has an okay voice (not to high not to deep), plays a lot of sports because of her brother.

Each character is special and will be included in this story, I started writing this in school and felt that instead of just keeping it to myself I can make it where other people can read it too! I hand write a lot of story's but this is one that I am especially proud of, I have been hand writing it for about a week now and already have two POV's written in which are Makai's and Dex's POV. Hopefully this is a story you will enjoy and will continue waiting for updates, I will update whenever I can due to school. ~IssaLIfee

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