Chapter 1

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Makai's POV-

Every Monday morning started the same for me, wake up late, shower, throw clothes on, don't eat anything, run to school. My schedule only get's ruined when Ashton wakes me up which is just about never.

First day in a new town, new school, new me, I think but in all honesty I think I have lived here before, 'Mph' and my thoughts are ruined by..

"Hey! Watch where-"I spit out the gravel and looked up to see beautiful blue/gray eyes looking at me, "-your going, I'm so sorry about that...?" I looked at him confused and realization hit me.

"M-Makai... It's alright, it was mostly my fault uhm... I was on my way to the school..." I muttered the last part and his face brightened.

"Dex is my name and uhm.... Wanna walk with me?" I nodded and he smiled and helped me up. 

And that is how I made my first friend.. I guess it's nice having a friend but, I guess there are some faults. "Hey, Dex?" He looked at me and ran into someone, I don't mean to chuckle but I got glared at for it so I shut up. I helped Dex up and he apologized to the person. 

"You are evil," He muttered and I looked at the ground ready for him to leave like everyone does to me but he didn't, "Hey, what's wrong?" I shrugged and kept looking at the ground. "I'm gonna head to class, do you know where your class is?" I shook my head and he sighed, "Please talk to me..." He mumbled and I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Sorry uh..." I quit talking for a brief moment and Dex pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine, where's your first class?" I looked at my schedule and couldn't read it, that's when I realized I hadn't put my glasses on, I had to kneel on the ground so I could look around in my bag until I found them and put them on. "You have glasses?" I nodded slowly and he smiled at me, "That's awesome! I have glasses but I wear contacts instead.." I smiled and looked at my schedule once more.

"I have AP Chemistry for my first class," He studied me for a brief moment before he nodded.

"I have that class too!" When we got to the AP Chemistry classroom, Dex turned to me and mumbled something I couldn't understand.


Dex's POV-

When we walked to the classroom I stopped outside an mumbled 'Beautiful' because I couldn't stop thinking of a word that described Makai. She looked at me confused and we walked into the classroom. "Dex!" A very high pitched voice said and hugged me. I looked down and saw Amethyst, the last person I wanted to see. "Why were you almost late? I saved a seat for you!" I shook out of her grip and grabbed Makai's hand leading her to an empty desk.

"Sorry, she is super annoying.." I whispered to Makai and she just shrugged. "You alright?" I asked and she just shrugged again. "Speak or after class I will tickle you to death-" I heard another high pitched voice and saw Amethyst holding Blake in a hug while he tried to wiggle free.

"What is wrong with that girl?" I barely heard Makai ask, I shrugged and pointed to Blake.

"That is Blake Nash, the school's bad boy, and he has a brother, Drake Nash, the school's golden good boy." I looked over at Makai and noticed she was looking at Blake with a confused face. "What's up Makai? You look confused." She looked at me and sighed.

"I feel like I know him, maybe from when I was younger but... I don't remember anything from when I was younger." I looked at her confused and that's when she muttered something and shrugged. 'I wonder why she always shrugs when she quit talking..' I thought to myself when I heard Samuel.

"Hey, Blake!" Samuel waved over Blake to where he was sitting, the isle over was full except the one seat next to Samuel and that was where Blake started walking. I looked at Makai and motioned for us to switch seats, after we switched she muttered something incoherently.

"What was that Makai?" She shrugged. "What did you say?" She looked at me and sighed.

"I was in an accident when I was eleven, I don't remember anything from my childhood, it comes in flashbacks every once in a while but it shows quick things, when I sleep I don't dream anymore.. And if I do, it is of a childhood I don't even remember..." Makai explained and Blake grumbled and looked at her for a moment before noticing who it was.

"Makai? It's really you, wow.." Blake stared in disbelief liked she was a ghost or something. Makai looked at him then rested her head on her hand and it looked like she was in pain.

"Blake..." She muttered in disbelief and then mumbled 'I remember...'


Blake's POV-

I walked into class and right away I was greeted by the most annoying person ever, Amethyst... I wiggled out of her grip and noticed Samuel waving me over, as I walked I heard Dex talking to a girl who looked vaguely familiar. After a little they switched seats and the vaguely familiar girl went silent and muttered something. Dex edged on for her to say it louder and she finally said, "I was in an accident when I was eleven, I don't remember anything from my childhood, it comes in flashbacks every once in a while but it shows quick things, when I sleep I don't dream anymore.. And if I do, it is of a childhood I don't even remember..." I grumbled after she explained that, Dex and the girl looked were looking at me but I only looked at the girl. After a little I finally recognized the girl and I was shocked.

"Makai? It's really you, wow." I looked at her in disbelief and she looked like she had a head ache, Makai rested her head on her hand and shuddered a little.

"Blake..." She whispered and shuddered again before muttering, "I remember.."  I looked at her and she sat back up, "I... You were my best friend?" She said as more of a question than anything.

"Yeah we grew up together, until you moved... I never heard from you again."  I muttered the last part and she smiled weakly, I thought of the childish crush I had on her. I looked at her and the teacher walked into the room muttering something about the homecoming dance and football game.

"Okay class, since we have nothing planned for the week, we're spending the class time decorating the gym this week!" There were a few cheers from the more artistic people and there was a grunt from me and Makai. "Get your stuff and meet me in the gym!" Makai hesitated and I walked up to her.

"Walk with me?" She nodded and smiled at Dex for him to go on ahead. "What's wrong?" She looked at me and sighed. "You know you can tell me what's wrong, you know that right?" Makai nodded and took a deep breath.

"I can't remember everything we did together and it hurts when I try to think about it.." I thought for a moment after she said that.

"I have an idea but is has to wait till after school, I'm gonna ditch, wanna come with me?" I waited for an answer but she just stood there thinking, "I'll just go now.." She sighed and grabbed my hand.

"I want to go with you, I just don't want to be on my own.." I nodded and when she tried to let go of my hand I wouldn't let her. We walked through the school, hand in hand. People kept staring at us as we walked through the halls out to the parking lot. We go in my car and left the school without hesitation she looked at me and finally smiled for the first time since I saw her today.

A/N: This chapter consist's of three different perspective's of view, I chose the three main character to tell you this chapter and their POV's of it. Some of the things are the same and some are different, when I was writing this in my notebook I thought about how you would know the full story and decided that if I did three different POV's for the chapter you might get it. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! (Not Edited)


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