Hi, I'm Andrew

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He was the boy in the crowded room that had caught my eye from the minute I'd arrived. The party was loud and bright, but nothing could take my attention from him. He sits awkwardly in the corner, keeping to himself and his red solo cup, bobbing his head every now in then to the occasional beat drop. Something about him caused a warm sensation in my body, and I knew I had to know him.

"Who's the redhead?" I nudge Ricky, as he pounds a beer. He's already halfway gone, and shrugs.

"I don't know man, he's cute though! You should fuck him." Yeah, he was definitely gone. I look back to the redhead who's now accompanied by a girl with short brown hair, wait, actually, I knew that girl. Was that Gabbie? I squint my eyes to get a better look, it was her. I begin to feel myself get excited, we had a mutual friend? This was great and also the perfect opportunity to go say hi. As I'm about to make my way to the two in the corner, an alarming sight stops me. A rather drunk Gabbie Hanna is grinding on the cute redhead.

"She actually might beat you to that..." Ricky bumps into me, another beer in his hand laughing at the two in the corner.

"I don't know... I don't think he's that into it, look."

"Oh shit, you're right."

"I know, I'm always right."

I go to bed that night with the cute redhead on my mind, I'd have to do some digging if I wanted to meet this guy, he seemed so sweet and innocent, I had to know him.


"Why am I over here?"

"Don't even act like you don't already live here, I don't need your sass, Garrett!" Shane snaps.

"Okay, but I have things to do today!" Like, cyberstalk cute redhead from the party last night.

"It'll only be a couple of minutes and then you can go back to talking to plants or whatever it is you do!"

I should be offended, but it's Shane and I'm used to it.

"Okay, so what is it?? I told you, I have plans! I'm supposed to meet Gabby at two, and it's" I look at my Fitbit, it was one fifty-three, great, I'd definitely be late, I hoped she wouldn't want to cancel, this was really important.

"He's running late, okay, not my fault! Wait, no he just texted!! He's here!!!"

"Who?" I look at my watch, now I was late and annoyed.

"So you know how I've been super busy and we can never film because I don't have anyone to film us?"

"Uh, I guess?" I hadn't really known it was an issue, but I don't have time to discuss.

"Well! I got a cameraman and he's cute!!!!"

"Shane. You're telling me that you invited me over, made fun of me for having plans outside of wasting away at this house, and made me LATE for my appointment just to meet your cameraman that I could literally meet ANY other day?"



"I'm sorry!!!! I wanted you to meet him first though!!! The three of us are going to be spending a lot of time together, and he could even help you on some over your videos too, I'll share him!"

"Shane!!! My appointment was really important!"

"I'm sorry!! Okay, well he's here now!!" Shane swings open the door as the new cameraman knocks.

My mouth drops wide open.

"Holy shit."

"Um, hi, I'm Andrew!"

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