Chapter 15. Jack

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Eroeh was quiet on their way back to town. Too quiet. As Bishop led the group through the woods, he was becoming increasingly more nervous of her silence. Sure, he and Eroeh'd traveled quietly plenty of times before now, but this felt different.

He didn't even have to look back to know that she was gnawing on her lower lip behind him. He'd noticed her indulging the habit early on in their travels whenever she was nervous or particularly deep in thought.

Approaching the docks, Eroeh's sullenness was completely forgotten when she spotted a man- obviously some sort of pirate, drunk off his ass next to a crate full of empty rum bottles by the dock ramp.

"Bishop look! An actual pirate!" Eroeh gasped in excitement, whispering and slapping the back of his shoulder giddily.

"Damn! That was my last bottle of rum!" the man grumbled to himself. "Hey, you!" he slurred, noticing Eroeh.

Bishop groaned loudly in irritation, rolling his eyes. "Oh no, don't you go thinking I'm giving you any of my booze!" She laughed, watching the man swaying on his feet.

"Come closer, beautiful. Why haven't I seen you around here before?" he asked.

Eroeh couldn't help but laugh, giving the drunk a friendly pat on the shoulder and shaking her head. " Because I've been too busy doing important Dragonborn things." she chuckled, deciding to mess with the drunken lout. "But dont mind me darling- just think of me as a figment of your drunken imagination."

"Oh, shut up! You? The power to shout a man to death? The power to shout a man to pieces?!" he slurred, placing a hand on her shoulder for balance as he swayed in place.

"The very same. But unless you'd like a private demonstration I'd suggest you keep that information to yourself." Eroeh purred, the threat translating perfectly.

"Oh no no. That won't be necessary. I'm sorry, I have a real problem lass. My name is Jack. Captain Jack," he apologized, offering her his hand.

"Eroeh. So, what seems to be the problem, Captain?" she beamed, taking the hand and shaking it confidently.

"You see," he started, licking his teeth as he tried to swallow enough of his pride to explain the situation. "I have no idea how I got here. And on top of that, I have no idea where my ship is..." he finished with an embarrassed grumble.

Thinking of the boat she'd seen earlier she looked over her shoulder, seeing it was indeed still there. "Takes real talent to lose a whole boat like that, Jackie. You ever think to check where you left it last?" she smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ah! She's got beauty and brains!" he laughed raucously. Looking down at the docks, he spotted his beloved ship, and frowned. "Do you think you could... escort me to my vessel? I wouldn't want any of the lads to see me in my vulnerable state. Y'know?" he asked, not trusting that he'd make it down the expanse of steps without stumbling sideways over the railings and into the water.

"And what might I ask, is in this for me?" Eroeh asked, giving him a mischievous grin that dimpled her cheeks.

"Well when we get back there I can show you my captain's cabin. I'll even give you the ol' safety talk!" He laughed, giving her a friendly nudge. "It goes like this: In the unlikely event that my cabin loses cabin pressure, grab the person nearest to you, placing him or her firmly over your nose and mouth and breathe normally!" he laughed bawdily.

Eroeh chuckled alongside him as she put the burly Redguards arm over her shoulder for support, with hers around his waist behind his back. "You know what, I like you Jack." She grinned, starting them down the steps.

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