Chapter 2 ~ Dear Diary

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Chapter 2 ~ Dear Diary

~ I was dreaming

Voice: don't say nothin!! You hear! Me! Or I will kill you kamera! Kamera!! .... Kamera!! I will kill you! ... Kamera! Kamera (*hands reached for me

Me: aaaaaaa!!! (* I woke up*)

Person: kamera! Honey are you alright!

Me: 0.0 mom!

Mom: what are you doing in the bathroom! You didn't come back last night an we all came looking for you!

Me: oh umm umm!

Mom: an why are you naked! OMG! Did someone hurt! You!

Me: Uhh! No mom no! I came back an wanted a shower I guess i drifted off to sleep!

Mom: (*looked at me with concern*) alright! But please don't ever scare me again!

Me: I'm sorry mom now can you go! This is starting to become awkward! I'm naked an we're having this conversation

Mom: alright I'm leaving (* walked out the bathroom*)

Me: *sigh* (* I leaned my head back against the wall, then got up an hopped into the shower*)


- once my shower was done I walked out Into my room, put my wet hair into a high point tail an changed into some cozy clothes!

Me: *sigh* (* i looked down at my phone an saw I had about 1oo miss calls 30 voice mails an 50 text messages!, I laided on my bed an flicked on the tv*) ohh what do you know! The news

Voice: kamera!!! Come here please

Me: (*I jumped up an followed her echoing voice! Coming from the laundry room*) yes mother

Mom: (*she was holding my clothes from last night*) yea hey! Umm what's up with your clothes? They appear to have.. (*i cut her off*)

Me: cranberry juice!

Mom: cranberry juice?

Me: yea you know! (*i laugh it off*) I was in the store an I was getting you an bays drink when someone dropped there juice an it went all over! SPLAt!! (*made splat noise*) jus like that! :)

Mom: ok!

Me: you know it's cool mom I'll wash them later (*i take the clothes out her hand an run back to my room, i stuffed the clothes inside a bag an hid them in my secret apartment, a back door in my closet! Where I go in to think some times*) ewe eew ewe!! (*i threw it in there an shook of the shivers*)

Mom: (*came in the room*) hey I'm cooking what would you like?

Me: (*i posed an acted like everything was all cool*) umm yea yea mom what ever you want is fine!

Mom: are you sure nothin happen!

Me: pusshhh!! Please are you kidding me! I'm fine (* I stand up an began pushing her out the room*) I'm jus at my happiest in the morning is all! Nothin new! Now go go shoot have your fun!

Mom: (*looked at me weird again!*) alright if you say so (*she took off down the hall*)

Me: (*i laid down on my bed an glance up at the tv*)

Reporter: a man around the age of 30 was found dead in the greenwood alley last night!

Reporter 2: two bullet wounds was found in his left shoulder!

Reporter: ambulances rushed him to The hospital jus in time before he could pass

Reporter 2: Ronald James is ok an back in shape!

Reporter: he will remain in the hospital until further noticed

Reporter 2: the only left remain quest is who done it?

Reporter: an why!

Me: *gasp* (*i flicked off the tv an started breathing really fast, I looked around for a bag but fell off my bed in stead*)

Mom: (*ran back into the room an saw me on The ground*) omg kamera are you alright?

Me: (* stood up an leaned on my dresser*) yea mom why! Why would think something is wrong

Mom: well I was in the kitchen when I heard a loud thump!

Me: nawww!!! I'm good I'm good! It's all gucci this Gucci that! Gucci everything (* I started dancing*)

Mom: lol alright crazy! Food will be done in a few! (*she closed the door*)

Me: (* I sighed with relief*) omg omg what am I gonna do! (* I went into my closet an opened the door to my small secret room, I went in an sat down in my fuzzy bean bag chair! I opened up a small drawer an brought out a book*)

~ there become those times where you don't have anyone to turn to! No one to talk to an confess your feeling to! That's where talking to your self an a diary comes in! Diaries aren't jus for little girls to write about every little detail that happen so far in there life! It can be used to write down hard situations that can help you learn from pass events an mistakes in the future!

Me: (* I got up an laid across my futon I wrote*)

Dear diary:

I have come to this point in my life where I need to lean on you! Use you to be dependable on keeping my nightmares locked away from the world an even me until the time is right! Last night I had witness a murder being committed! My life is on the line! I saw a man shoot another 2 times in an ally around the Corner from the store ! I was told not to say anything or I to will end up like the other guy! Well he was lucky! .... He lived! But I might not be! *sigh* well this helped me get off a little stress! So the only question is should I tell or keep it to my self!

Me: (* I closed The diary an locked it I hid the key an wrote the date at the top of the page, I stood up an walked out the door, locked it an came out my closet*) it can only get better from here right? .............


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