Chapter 4 ~ We Don't Have To Tell AnyOne

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Chapter 4: We Dont Have to Tell Any One

Mom: so what they say?

Me: shhh mom that must remain a secret! (*i slammed the front door*)

Mom: well me an the ladies are about to head out (*she grabbed her purse*)

Me: (*i cross my arms an roll my eyes*)

Mom: (*kisses my forehead*) be happy! (*all the ladies head out the door*)

Me: (*yell out The door*) it's not morning time mom!! (*i Slam the door*)

Makail: well i guess it's jus you an me (* he sat on the edge of the table an ate a cracker*)

Me: (*took the cracker out his hands*) don't get any ideas (*i gave a evil look an walked back to my room*)

Makail: lol (*he followed me to the room*)

Me: (*i flicked on the tv an laid out*)

Makail: (*laid next to me*) so what you wanna do

Me: (*turn the channel*) idk what your gonna do but Im going to watch tv!

Makail: (*looks at me*) why are you so evil!

Me: (*i turned to him*) i didn't want you here anyway! The only reason your here is because my mom don't want me here by myself so you can go somewhere!

Makail: alright alright chill! But let's be real with each other

Me: (*raised brow*)

Makail: what really happened last night?

Me: *sigh* nothin makail! Jus forget it

Makail: (*grabs my arm*) I know you something anit right?

Me: (*snatch my arm back an turn to the other side of bed, sitting up*) nothin ok jus,

Makail: (*sat up an came behind me, he put his arms around me*) did someone hurt you kamera?

Me: (* I turned my head a little, but didn't say nothin*)

Makail: hey?

Me: (*i stood up an broke his grip*) I said it was nothin alright so leave it alone dang!!!! (*i got up an ran into my closet to my other room, I sat down on the futon and started thinking about what happen that night! The blood stains, his hot breath, an sharp grip, it was all coming to me!*) {my mind: don't tell anyone}

Makail: don't think I don't know about that place! *sigh* (*got up an went into the closet! Opened the secret door*)

Me: get out (*threw a pillow at him*)

Makail: (*caught it*) aye! Kamera! What ever happen is only gonna make matters worser than it is! (*walked to the futon*)

Me: makail not now alright!

Makail: (*sat down next to me*) jus tell me what went down?

Me: (*i turned my head to the wall*) nothin! Jus got side tracked of time an fell asleep! You happy like I said it was no big any way! (*i stretched out my legs an rubbed them*)

Makail: (*was quite for a minute*) hahaha! That is The lamest excuse ever!

Me: (*i look at him*) what?

Maka: come on you know! I know you better than that!

Me: lol (*i laugh at his stupid grin*) oh shut up! (*i smacked him with the pillow*)

~ we was silent for a few seconds, we was face to face!

Makail: (*started me in my eyes then kissed me!*)

Me: (*i pulled away all confused like*)

Makail: (*looked down*) ohh I'm sorry I jus thought...

Me: no no it ok (*i gave it a few to sink in then I kissed him myself*)

~ (*he kissed me back harder! I put my hands on his face, he laid me back an was on top of me! He took his shirt off*)

Makail: (*looked me in my eye*) we don't have to tell anyone (*he kissed me again an moved to my neck, he pushed my hair back, the slowly slid his hands up my shirt*)

Me: (* I kissed him harder but then broke it! I pushed him off of me*) wait wait stop!

Makail: (*looked at me*)

Me: we shouldn't be doing this! No no (* I got up an put my hands on my head an walked out the little room an walked out my closet*)

Makail: (*came out putting his shirt back on*)

Me: (*i turn to him*) look maka I don't know what happen but my mind is going wild crazy right now an an (*my emotions started to kick in from what happen last night*) I really don't need this!

Makail: (*came up to me he hugged me, I hugged him back tight, I mean he smelled really good an he was someone I really needed to be with right now*) I don't know!

Me: (* I laugh at everything*) lol (*i look up to him because he was taller than me*)

Makail: lol (*he looked down at me an laughed*) lol your crazy!

Me: (* I smile*)

Makail: (*he kissed me again, I kissed him back an then we stopped, we released the hug*) so what you wanna do?

Me: (*i punch him in the arm*) lets play some games (* I grin*)

Makail: lol like the old times

Me: (* I take off running*)

Makail: ahahah! (* he whispers to himself*) yea jus like the old times :)

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