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The evening was quite the average one for Nia and her little friend-group she titled "The Best Boi Squad". Just another get together coming to an end as ARMY PIZZA was coming to a close for the day. The six of them were all exchanging goodbyes, with Nia taking a little too long to unlock her eyes from the eyes that belonged to Lao- A pathfinder who she she had a crush on for quite some time... well, 'crush' was an understatement-- but wait; was he staring back? 

Wow, crush really was an understatement for Nia if he really was looking into her eyes too. 

The only reason she managed to look away from the charming guy, when her alien friend, L'Cirufe (or just L, the rest is too formal) asked her to walk with him back to NLA's administrative district at least, like she did every time the squad hung out. With a small laugh, Nia said, "sure L, just a moment," then looked back to the person she was previously engaged in an intense stare with. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, right, Lao," she asked, getting a smirk and nod from him, and then a "see ya." With the two parting ways, Nia gladly walked with L through the commercial district, so at least she could get back to her barracks, and spend the rest of her evening watching movies with her nopon friend. The walk back was full of a one-sided conversation that was relating to how none of the guys, or Nia for that matter, enjoyed L's cuisine of choice for pizza toppings; Nia tried to explain that humans didn't really eat things like bugs, but wasn't listened to. She figured out that she wasn't being listened to, when her blue friend's walking suddenly came to a halt. 

Nia nearly tripped over her own feet as L's sudden stop was unexpected. when she looked up to his face, she could tell that he was shocked about something. Upon following the gaze of his eyes, Nia spotted just what he was looking at-- was that a strangely colored Mim? 

Ah, yes, Pri; that was the name of the discolored mimeosome that L'cirufe was looking at. Well, maybe 'discolored' was the wrong word; She was a hot pink color, with a beauty mark on her face, along with some sort of marking on her left cheek. Her hair was a light pink, with green tips; her eyes were the same, with pink as the dominant color, and green as the sub-color. Her clothes consisted on a regular basis of a yellow hoodie, and a pair of leggings that Nia was pretty sure were the leggings most female pathfinders wore, but she couldn't recall their store-bought name. 

Upon looking back to her Mira-native friend, she could tell there was a history between the two... but how could L have had a history with a mim, when they had just arrived to this planet fairly recently? Nia looked back to Pri, but suddenly saw L advancing towards Pri. The pink lady suddenly looked from who she was talking to, to the very tall person approaching her; to which she said, "I gotta go," to the person she was talking to, and quickly walked off away from L. 

The other person, a blonde girl with green eyes and lightly tanned skin looked up at the confused, and hurt, expression that was plastered on L's face. She had started to reach out to comfort him, but Nia got there quick enough that he didn't need comfort in a stranger. 

The black haired girl looked at L's face now, before looking towards the blonde; she also knew this young woman too- Fiora; one of the people who worked on the water purification plant. Shew as a kind girl, but maybe a little too kind. She never thought of consequence, and had to fight tooth and nail for... something Nia didn't know the details to. Apparently not many people knew about these details; not even Elma. 

Nia waved a hand to Fiora to allow her to leave, and that she did. Now there was just one girl there, with L- his friend. She gave him time for a while, before giving his hand a squeeze, as she said, "C'mon L. You can tell me what's up at the barracks, okay?"

She then let go of his hand, and started to walk back to the barracks, like she originally planned to. L took a few seconds before catching up with his friend, and in those moments, he simply mumbled: 


Then he followed after Nia loudly calling out, "Wait for us, Nia! Please!" Nia smugly smiled, knowing very well that her friend was back to his old self again. Taking out her com device, she sent Lao a message saying that she was going to be spending time with L, because 'something came up', and that she probably couldn't hang out with him tomorrow like they had planned, unless he wanted to meet up with her and L later. After that, she put the device away, and waited for L to catch up. 

"Let's go see about getting you that shop, how's that," Nia asked, glad to see L in a better mood for now... 

It was a shame that the mood she saw L in now was only a facade.

A facade she wouldn't notice.

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