First Christmas - Part I

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Xenoblade Chronicles X - monolith soft & nintendo

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Xenoblade Chronicles X - monolith soft & nintendo

"So, what exactly is Christmas?"

The words spoken were quite a shock to at least the teenage girl who liked to spend her time cooking in the barracks. Lin looked up from the pot she was cooking in and looked towards the owner of the voice. She didn't need to do that to know who had spoken, but she had done so anyways because she wanted the other to know that she was all but surprised. The voice belonged to Nia.

Sure, Nia didn't have her memories from Earth, and Lin understood that. But surely she had been informed of Christmas, if she didn't really retain any memories of the holidays. How could she go a 'December' without knowing about the holiday of magical snowmen, flying reindeer, and a jolly and fat old man delivering gifts to anyone who's been on the 'nice' list?

Lin surely would have scolded her for not knowing, if it weren't for Nia's face- a face full of curiosity and attentiveness; a face that really wanted to know what Christmas was. How could she tell off someone with a face like that?

"Well... Christmas is a time of the year for gift giving," Lin began, before she recollected on the memories she had of the previous Christmases she had celebrated- the ones she celebrated on Earth, with her parents. With a soft sigh, Lin resumed sharing about Christmas. "The holiday where a big jolly man comes to everyone's homes and delivers the gifts that people want for christmas-"

"That's not all of Christmas, Lin."

The two girls turned their gazes towards the other voice- the one that belonged to Elma. The tan woman was in a red tank top alongside the usual lower half of her usual gear- she wore this any time that she might need to be on call, but could take time to relax for a bit- her being out must've meant that Commander Vandham had needed her for a job, but it wasn't big enough that she needed to get in her full set of gear.

"What do you mean," Lin asked, tilting her head as she looked back to the food she was preparing for the members of her barracks, and maybe any unexpected guests who would waltz their way on in for free, delicious, homemade food. Nia kept her eyes fixated on Elma though; she still didn't know what Christmas was and it sounded like Elma did.

"So, what is Christmas, if it's not what Lin's told me," Nia asked, approaching her squad leader. Elma looked around at the empty barracks- they were a lot less decorated than those that belonged to some of the others. This was everyone's first Christmas on Mira, but it didn't seem to damper anyone's interest in celebrating... it just seemed to Elma that her own inmates weren't being very festive yet. This question from Nia made it clear as to why they hadn't started decorating yet.

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