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Josh was dressed and so was Courtney and they walked outside to get some fresh air and when they walked back in they saw someone standing on the landing on the top of the stairs. "How did you get in here sir" Courtney asked off the top of her head and he didn't answer "sir..." Josh said a tad bit scared but he just stood there. All of a sudden be walked down the stairs to Courtney and disappeared "WHAT THE HECK" Josh Stepped Back. "Josh I Don't wanna be here anymore" Courtney and Josh packed up and as soon as they went to leave the same guy ran at them and they rushed out the door. Josh got on his bike and rode down the not at all steep hill and went over his bike and wiped out Courtney did as well but not as bad.
They walked through the town and had to get a ride home because Josh couldn't stand on his own anymore and Courtney couldn't carry him. They weren't in trouble but they were injured so they could do something but not some others.

Courtney (Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang