Hide And Seek

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Happy Birthday Maddie! This one is for you! Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Jac and Emma stood on the doorstep of the Fletcher's house, the surgeon impatiently and nervously tapping her foot as she waited for him to appear. When he finally swung the door open, the Naylor pair were greeted by an enormous grin.
"Hey you two!" Fletch said cheerfully.
"Hey thanks for having us, Emma's so excited she hasn't stopped talking about coming to play with Theo all day." Jac smiled back uncharacteristically shyly.
"Well we've got to keep everyone happy haven't we?" He winked suggestively at her and ushered them into the house. "Right Mini Naylor, Theo is upstairs waiting for you, he's got every toy he could find out ready! Do you want to run up and find him?" He crouched down to her height and helped her to take her coat off.
"Yeah!" She yelled back and made her way up to Theo's room.

"Soooo...now we're alone." He smirked and moved towards her slowly. "Am I allowed to kiss you now?" The nurse reached forward and hooked his arms over her shoulders, pulling her gently towards him until their bodies met.
"Mhm." Jac hummed in agreement and cupped his stubbled face with her cold hands.
"Jac your hands are freezing!" He gasped and pulled them away from his cheeks as she laughed and placed a fleeting kiss on his lips.
"Come on let's go and sit down before we get caught." She tugged on his hand and pushed him into the living room.
Jac and Fletch had been together for just under a month now but they were yet to tell their children. They had decided that it was better for it to remain secret for a while to avoid things getting too messy if it went pear shaped early on.

The pair sat laughing and chatting away over a bottle of red wine until finally they were interrupted by their two youngest children.
"Daddy?" Theo asked as he climbed into his father's lap and looked up into his eyes.
"Yes Theo?" Fletch asked and bopped him on the nose playfully.
"Can you play hide and seek with us? Pleaseeeee?" The small boy pleaded and started bouncing up and down.
"Please Uncle Fletch?" Emma asked, also trying to climb onto his lap.
"Emma what have I told you? It's just Fletch not Uncle Fletch." Jac rolled her eyes. The amount of times she had told her daughter to stop calling him that you would have thought the she would have got the idea by now. But no clearly not, thought Jac.
"Okay if we must. But if we're doing this, Mikey, Ella and Evie must play as well so go and tell them to hide and I'll come and find you all when I've counted to thirty okay?" Fletch watched as the two children ran away giggling together to tell the others.

A few games later and it was finally Jac's turn to count.
"Go hide then Fletcher." She shooed him away and covered her eyes. When she finally reached thirty she yelled,
"Ready or not, here I come!" And off she went, finding the children one by one until the only person left to find was Fletch.
"Right everyone first person to find your dad wins a sweet! But remember, he won't be in the living room because that's where I was counting." She said this knowing full well that was exactly where he was. She had heard him scuffling and crawling behind the sofa whilst she was counting.

Everyone split off in twos, searching every room whilst Jac made her way back down the stairs. The surgeon crawled behind the sofa to join him.
"Found you." She whispered. "What do I get for finding you?"
"How long do you think we've got?" He replied, his voice husky.
"Plenty of time." She leaned forward and captured his lips. Fletch responded by crawling onto all fours and moving forward to deepen the kiss.
"Mummy?" Asked a small innocent voice.
"Daddy?" Asked another. "What are you doing?"
The couple sprung apart and turned to look up to be met by a pair of wide eyes peering down over the back of the sofa.
"Uh um nothing." Jac replied awkwardly as Fletch looked down at the floor, trying to hide his smile at the situation. They had just been caught kissing behind a sofa in the middle of a game of hide and seek by two four year olds.

Then all of a sudden Emma sprung up and started dancing around and singing.
"Mummy and Fletch! Sitting in a tree..." Jac leapt to her feet.
"Emma no! Shh stop! Emma please stop!" Jac yelled in a hushed voice, trying not to alert the others.
"Emma, Theo. Come here a minute." Fletch beckoned them over the where he had just sat down on the sofa. "Right this is going to be just our little secret okay? No singing that song. And you mustn't tell the others! Okay?"
"Humph fineeee." They grumbled in unison.
"Now go and play."

When the children were finally out of ear shot, the nurse and the surgeon looked at each other and burst out in laughter.
"Well that was a complete disaster." Jac laughed and took a sip of her wine.
"Not completely...I finally got my kiss out of you." He smirked.
"Oh shush." She replied and swatted his arm playfully.

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