Chapter 15

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This is like me better by lauv,I love it so much it's my favorite so added it to this chapter because why not?


I woke up on a bed,a really comfy bed too that wasn't mine. Hmm. I sat up and looked around the room,which was dark but once my eyes adjusted I could see I was in Jax's room,on his bed. Where is he? What happened? How'd I get here? I tried to remember what had happened and then I remembered,we were in the food court and he said that I didn't look so good and then he noticed the hickeys and then I saw him and I freaked out,I didn't know what to do and then the next thing I knew I was being dragged away to the exit and the Jax said that he was coming and then there was darkness. I don't remember anything else but I felt Jax's strong,warm arms supporting me and that's where it ended...and now I'm here. But that still doesn't answer my question why I'm here or how I got here...Jax must have brought me here but why? Why didn't he just drop me off at home? Maybe because mother was there or maybe he thought it was an invasion of privacy. I looked around the room,feeling how soft the sheets were under my skin just as the door creaked open and Jax poked his head in the room,his eyes landing on me causing a huge grin to spread across his face. Aw he looks like a little boy! Whoa get a fucking grip on yourself,Bailey!

"You're awake,are you okay? Do you need anything?" Does this dude have a soft spot or is he always like this at home?

"I'm fine,but I do need answers. Why am I at your house and not mine?" I realized my eyebrows at him as he sat next to me slowly.

"I thought the guy would know where you lived so I brought you here so you can be safe until I take you home." Jax explained.

"Where's my car?" I instantly asked.

"At your house,I walked to the mall and got it and then drove it to your house and walked back here so when you woke up you wouldn't have to worry." Jax gave me a small smile and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek with his fingers.

"Thank you." I gave him a genuine smile which he returned.

"You're welcome,now get some sleep." Jax stood up but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait...what will my mother think if I'm not home?" I asked looking up at him,making him sit back down with a smile on his lips.

"Don't worry,just say that Gwen asked you stay over last minute and you agreed and didn't bother to come back." Jax shrugged and stood up again.

"Wait,"I grabbed his hand again, "can you please stay? I don't want to be alone." I let go of his hand pleading him with my eyes and hoping he won't leave me alone because right now I don't want to be alone. Jax sighed before nodding and climbing on the other side and brought me closer to him with my face buried in his neck and my arms wrapped around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my waist,pulling me even closer to him. Now I felt safe. I smiled as I felt myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Jax's POV:

"Can you please stay?" Bailey pleaded,it broke my heart just looking at her broken and fragile. I sighed and nodded climbing on the other side and brought her closer to me,wrapping my arms around her small waist as she buried her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around my waist which made me pull her closer to me. I wanted her safe and not broken and that's when I felt her smile against my neck which made me smile. I kissed the top of her head wishing I could kiss more than just her head but she wouldn't let me but it's all I got so it's worth it.

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock and it read 3:13. Damn it,it's so early and I can't go back to sleep. I looked down at Bailey and saw her sleeping like a baby,she's so fucking beautiful when she's asleep and also awake but she just looks so peaceful. I can feel her warm breath fanning onto my chin and can see her chest rising and falling steadily,everything about her is just so perfect I'm afraid if I move I'll ruin the perfectness. Her plump pink lips parted slightly,like very little but it still happened,I would do literally anything just to get a taste of those lips they're just waiting to be kissed and it's killing me,I just wish she actually liked me then I would actually be able to kiss's driving me insane! Everything that she does drives me crazy,her smart remarks get me the most,she's not afraid to speak her mind and is very stubborn which is really cute and when she blushes it's the cutest thing that happens when she's embarrassed. And she's really hot when she's pissed off and that's a major turn on for me...I love everything about this girl and her at the end of the day she hates me which I hate because that mean I could never have her,I don't blame her for hating me,I deserve it but I wish with all my being that she would give me a chance.

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