⇒ Chapter 14 [July 14th, 2018]

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"MINHO..." Minho sighed, jumping from the counter he was sitting on, once he heard Hyunjin call his name for what seemed like the twentieth time on that monotonous and hot Tuesday afternoon.

The man walked to the living room, trying not to - but failing, miserably - look at how Seungmin and Jeongin were basically lying on top of each other while trying to watch some random video on the latter's phone. Hyunjin was on the couch, his right leg lifted and supported by the coffee table, bandage wrapped around his swollen ankle, an incredibly adorable pout on his lips.

"Yes, princess?" And, just as Minho's voice hit his ears, Hyunjin froze in place, mind going blank; did he just call me princess???

Before Minho had the chance to process what the other was doing, he saw the boy getting up, limping, but, surprisingly quickly, walking to the kitchen, and he was fast to follow his steps.

When Minho replied saying 'yeah, of course, we can share my bed', Hyunjin was torn between the pain coming from Chan's nowhere-near-gentle touch as he took care of his ankle, and excitement mixed with anxiety as he read the message over and over again. Once his roommate got home, he was quick to walk to their shared bedroom, eyes growing wild as his eyes landed on a boy with a tear-stained face laying on his - well, their - bed.

"Hyunjin, oh my god, what happened?" If he knew where all his generosity would take him, Minho would have kept quiet; he wouldn't have held Hyunjin's body against his, wouldn't have wiped the new tears that started to fall from his face as he shifted his body and his ankle started to hurt once again, wouldn't have said 'I'll make sure to help you until you're feeling better, alright?'. It was Minho this, Minho that, 'Minho, give me my phone charger, please', 'Minho, help Chan with cooking, please, it was my turn today, but I shouldn't stand', Minho, Minho, Minho.

Now, Minho found himself stretching his arms and fastening his steps to stop Hyunjin from walking away from him.

"What do you think you're doing? I thought you said you couldn't walk, I thought Chan said you shouldn't." He stopped, arms crossed, in front of the flustered boy.

"I-I just want water, it's... it's why I called your name, but t-then I realized I could come and get it myself." He muttered, way too fast, and took advantage of Minho's slow thoughts-processing to walk in the kitchen, grabbing the first glass he could find - not exactly minding whose it was -, and filling it with water. "Why did you call me that?" The boy said, after seconds of uncomfortable silence.

"What?" Minho found his place back on top of the counter, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Why did you call me princess, Minho?"

"Oh, that." He chuckled. "You've been ordering me around ever since I told you I'd help you today, like I'm your servant or something, so... I called you princess."

"That's n-not what you should call me by."


"NO." Hyunjin shook his head quickly, getting a bit dizzy. "That's worse, Minho." His right hand flew to his mouth, a blush rising to his cheeks, the tip of his ears burning up, once he realized what had just come out of his mouth."

"Well," The other smirked. "princess it is, then."

"MINHO, PLEASE..." Voice cracking, hands cover his full face now, Hyunjin could hear the other man moving and standing next to him.

"Sorry, your highness." Minho's left hand flew to one of Hyunjin's forearm, pulling at it. "Better this way?" The boy nodded, slowly, unsurely. "Now, please, let's go back to the living room, you shouldn't be standing." The last part of his sentence coming off on a mocking tone.

What's going on? Why does Minho's hand feel so warm against my skin? Why can I feel his eyes on me? Why is he being so careful? Why... why do I want him to call me princess more often?

It was 5:06 PM when all of them decided to head to their bedrooms to take a little nap - after all, they were all bored and sleepy -; that's it, Hyunjin thought as Jisung quietly murmured 'goodbye' as he headed to his room, leaving Hyunjin alone, standing in front of the door. Slowly, he reached for the doorknob, fully opening the ajar door.

"Hey, did you walk up here on your own?" Minho sat up, ready to get up and walk to the boy in front of him.

"No, no, hmm... Jisung helped me, he just left to his room, actually." Without knowing why, he latched his own body on Minho's as he stepped closer; tiredness washing over his body, he couldn't... really process his own moves anymore.

"Are you tired, princess?" The man asked, way too close to other's ear, arms wrapping around the tall figure, legs moving and slowly sitting both of them down on their bed.

Hyunjin shivered; hands shaking, suddenly, and mind so full of shock that he couldn't even feel his cheeks reddening. Why's he like this?

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