What Would Happen?

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I open a brown ripped book that has the texture of sandpaper. It's almost the size of Jimin's baby hands so it's pretty small but gets the job done. I flip through the pages of carefully thought out plans and pictures describing different torture techniques. Yet none of them satisfy me. I open up to a blank page and grab a pencil. A new way of torture. A new way to hurt Na Jaemin but not kill him. Just to make him suffer. There is water boarding...Or we could shove bamboo shoots up his finger nails and keep pushing them until the nail is completely off. But no I have the perfect idea.

What we will do is obviously drug him, kidnap him and well you know put him in our basement and handcuff his legs and arms to a bolted down chair so there is no escape, but that is just the obvious part. The torture part is where it gets fun. What we will do is get popsicle sticks and soak them in lemon juice. Then place them just under each nail so that it is barley touching the skin. Each hour we will come to 'check' on him and push the popsicle further under the nail letting the lemon juice burn and sting the open flesh. We will continue this until the nail is fully disconnected from the finger. Leaving open flesh. We will feed and water him but the thing is we will only serve him his least favorite food. He can either choose to eat the horrific food or die. The water will be horribly polluted but barley survivable. He can survive through this but...the pain is the one thing he will have to get through. If his is lucky then we might come and break a finger or toe once in a while. We could hit his knee cap with a wrench or you know something a little more just too give it that full umph that it needs. Whatever Mr. Na Jaemin chooses will be his destiny.

Even if he would give me my Jin back...I will still torture him until the day he dies. Jin is my everything but I don't understand why he would just leave. Why would he just get up and leave me for dead. The others are not the same without Jin and I can't say that I am myself. 

One thing is for sure...I've gotten tougher, if Jin was here he would treat me like a king, like I was perfect, like I was all he needed to live. But even though I would love for that all to be true I know that it is never going to be that way, he and I are human. I hate being human, feelings, emotions, being...vulnerable. I hate these human traits, if I weren't human I could die when I wanted, I could leave this despicable Earth. Yet...I wouldn't be able to take my family with me. I would have to leave them. Could Yoongi protect them? I know they can all protect, torture, and come up with game plans...but my human instincts would kick me in the ass and not let me leave them, not let me leave my family like mine left me. I would understand the sad, overwhelmed, UGH feelings and not let myself let them feel that way. If any of them died I don't know what I would do...I don't know if I would be able to keep myself on this Earth. I must be the first out of them to go. I must let them survive.

If I was gone... would Hobi keep up with the torture methods? Would Jimin still be a grouchy bitch? Would Yoongi still sleep throughout the day? Would Jungkook still get pissed when Yoongi called him Jungcock?  ...Would Jin still love me? What would happen without me?

Word Count - 671


Love Always - Author  💜💋

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